

Truth or Dare


3/Oct/96 The following definition of life is sound and complete:
"A life satisfies all of the following conditions: a) it maintains its internal state, b) it interacts with its surroundings in order to obtain energy, and c) it reproduces."
True or false?
2/Oct/96 None of typhoons, hurricanes or cyclones can be considered alive. True or false?
1/Oct/96 It is humanly wrong to spit on someone's face. True or false?


Please drop us a line (e-mail: after you actually did the following. We would like to know how you felt.

3/Oct/96 Write your diary with a pencil in your toes for a week. It does not matter which foot you use.
2/Oct/96 Read every number you encounter tomorrow twice. Once forward, once backward.
1/Oct/96 Spend a whole day doing what you have been doing with your right hand with your left hand and vice versa.

Always under déconstruction

Copyright © Kenji Saito, 1996