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Fair Lawn Schools

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Memorial Middle School | Thomas Jefferson Middle School | Fair Lawn High School
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Fair Lawn Schools Receive Top Rating

Fair Lawn's school system was rated one of the top 100 best value school districts in the nation by Money magazine in their January, 1996 issue. Fair Lawn was also a recepient of a $50,000 state aid maximum reward for financial efficiency as defined by the "School Efficiency Program Act." Fair Lawn High School had previously received national recognition in 1992 with the Presidential Blue Ribbon Award for Excellence in Education. In 1994, 84% of Fair Lawn's High School students went on to pursue post secondary education.

The School Board

Fair Lawn's school system is governed under State Law by the Board of Education. The School Board is made up of nine members, three of whom are elected annually by the residents of Fair Lawn. The School Board meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 8:00pm. For the location of the meeting, and to verify the times of the meetings, you can call the Board at 794-5520.

Some Statistics About Fair Lawn Education

High School Proficiency Test Results

Fair Lawn students have consistently done well, exceeding the State averages, on the High School Proficiency Tests. In 1994, the percentage of students who passed the Reading, Math and Writing exams was 91.7, 93.9 and 91.3, respectively. This compares with a State average of 83.2, 84.4 and 88.5.

SAT Scores

In 1995, 82% of Fair Lawn's high school students took the SAT. The average math score was 517, and the average verbal score was 440.

Eighth Grade Early Warning Test Results

Fair Lawn students also scored well compared to the State average on the Eighth Grade Early Warning Test. These tests categorize students as having demonstrated clear competence (Level 1), minimal competence (Level 2), and those who need additional help (Level 3), in three categories -- Reading, Math and Writing.

Reading Math Writing
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
TJ* 78 22 0 50.6 43.7 5.7 83.6 15.7 0.6
Memorial 69.1 29.6 1.2 39.5 51.9 8.6 86.4 12.3 1.2
State Avg. 54 36.8 9.2 38.6 42 19.5 67.8 20.6 11.5

*TJ refers to the Thomas Jefferson Middle School

State Ranking Based on School Spending

The State of New Jersey compared the Fair Lawn School system to 81 other New Jersey K-8 school systems with more than 3500 students. These were the results:

Category of Spending Amount in Dollars Ranking Out of 81 Schools
Total Amount Spent Per Pupil 8,567 68
Amount Spent in Classroom Per Pupil 5,048 57
Amount Spent on Administration Per Pupil 1,163 58
Median Faculty Salary 55,273 62
Median Administrative Salary 88,600 80

Additional Statistics

Additional statistics can be found at other sites regarding the following Fair Lawn Public Schools:

The Lyncrest School Goes Online

Fair Lawn has taken steps to introduce students to computers, and in particular, the World Wide Web. At the Lyncrest School, Ms. Cote's fourth grade class has its own home page on the Web. (At present this link seems to have been taken off line but keep trying.) There are many budding authors and poets in her class, and their poems and stories can be read at their site. It's recommended reading.

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Last updated on October 13, 1996