
The Sort Bar, which can be used from any Media Library tab, allows all songs in the media library to be listed, or sorted, by field(s).

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Display the Sort bar

Use one of these methods:

Hide the Sort bar

To hide the Sort bar, click on the Sort button , or right-click in the database toolbar and choose Hide Sort Bar from the shortcut menu. Music remains sorted after the Sort bar is hidden.

Sort media

  1. Display the All Media view and the Sort bar.

  2. Select a field from the Field Chooser.

  3. Drag the selected field from the Field Chooser and drop it into the Sort bar. The field is added to the Sort bar, and depicted with a small, up-pointing arrow.

All artists represented in the All Media view are sorted and listed from from A to Z.

  1. Click in the Sort bar. The arrow turns down and the list is reversed; in this case, from Z to A by artist.

Clicking a field bar in the Explorer panel's head row automatically adds that field to the Sort bar.

Sort media using multiple fields

Media may be sorted using multiple fields. Using the previous procedure, users can add additional fields to the Sort bar. Once in the Sort bar, fields can be arranged into a user-specified order, with the left-most field always being the primary sort category.

To remove fields