Properties - Library Info Tab


 File Menu

The Library Info tab of the Properties dialog is available only for media in the Media Library tab. It is not available for media files or CD audio tracks. This information can be edited, and changes are reflected in the Media Library panel.

Media information can also be modified directly in the Library Info Bar located in the Media Library tab.

To modify media information

  1. From the Media Library tab, select the song.

  2. From the File menu, choose Properties and click on the Library Info tab.

  3. Enter the information into the field to be modified. For the Genre field, either specify an existing genre from the drop-down list or create a new genre.

  4. Click OK.

If the artist, album, or genre information is edited, the song is reorganized in the Media Library tab. If the new artist, album, or genre information does have a category, SIREN creates a new view containing the song.