Preferences - CD Info Tab

Options Menu

The CD Info tab of the Preferences dialog allows you to specify options for gathering CD information. Following is a description of each option.



Maintain a local database of audio CD information.

Selecting this option configures SIREN to maintain a local database of CD information.

Get CD Info from CDPLAYER.INI if available

Selecting this option enables SIREN to access the cdplayer.ini file when reading a CD to determine if song information is available. If SIREN finds song information, it displays the information in the Play/Rip CD tab and in the Library Info Bar.

Get CD Info from CD-TEXT if present on audio CDs

Selecting this option enables SIREN to access CD-TEXT from the CD to retrieve song information. If SIREN locates song information on the CD, it displays the information in the Play/Rip CD tab and in the Library Info Bar, and saves the information to its local database.

Automatically get CD Info from the Internet

Selecting this option enables SIREN to use CDDB to retrieve song information when a CD is inserted. To use CDDB, a valid e-mail address must be provided.

Email Address (requied for CDDB Access)

Enter a valid e-mail address in the field to enable SIREN to access CDDB. However, if you do not want to provide an e-mail address you can select the Anonymous check box.

Get Sites

SIREN uses a default CDDB web address to retrieve song information. When experiencing problems connecting to CDDB, click Get Sites to access a list alternate of CDDB addresses.

Default Site

Clicking Default Site restores the connection to the default CDDB web address.

Please use an anonymous e-mail address when connecting to CDDB

Select this option if you do not want to use your email address when connecting to CDDB. If you are submitting CD information, CDDB will send an e-mail message if a problem occurs with the submission. However, if the anonymous e-mail option is selected, no notification will be received.