Optimizing Performance

SIREN Jukebox is designed to perform in a variety of computing environments, however, you should take steps to optimize their system's performance.

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Optimizing performance when writing to CD

There are several methods of optimizing SIREN's performance when creating CDs:

To allow data to be transferred as quickly as possible to and from the hard drive, you should defragment it. This reduces the potential for buffer underruns when writing to CD. If problems are experienced, perform a "files only" defragmentation prior to writing each CD.

There are two basic types of blank CD media: cyanine (green-colored front) and pthalocyanine (gold-colored front). The CD-R manufacturer has tuned the recorder to operate optimally with one of these types.

Close all background programs to optimize CD writing performance. This includes, not only applications such as Microsoft Word, but also programs such as Microsoft Find Fast, System Agent, and screen savers. If background applications are running while writing to CD, the potential exists for buffer underruns.

If the computer is connected to Local Area Network (LAN), disconnect while writing to CD. The increased overhead associated with monitoring network connections may cause buffer underruns. In addition, if another network user accesses the computer while writing to CD, it may be rendered unusable.

When using TCP/IP through a LAN connection (not if TCP/IP is set up using a dial-up adapter), do the following:

  1. Display the Control Panel via clicking on the Start menu\Control Panel and double-clicking on the Network icon. The Network dialog is displayed, listing all network components.

  2. Double-click TCP/IP.

  3. Double-click the name of your network card and select the IP Address tab. If using TCP/IP over a LAN, the Obtain an IP address automatically check box should be selected only if your network has a DHCP server. The DHCP server automatically assigns IP addresses to client machines. If this option is selected, but there is no DHCP server on the network, Windows freezes periodically as it attempts to obtain an IP address. If this occurs while writing a CD, a buffer underrun may result.

Network issues are complex, and Sonic Foundry recommends physically disconnecting the computer from the network, or using a non-networked computer, when writing CDs.

Preventing gapping

Gapping describes the sporadic signal "drop-outs" that prevent SIREN from smooth playback. If gapping is detected during playback:

SIREN's Read Optimization value is defaulted to Full. However, if this value is reconfigured and gapping is being encountered, it should be returned to Full. This setting is located on the CD Settings tab of the Preferences dialog.

Audio playback features, as well as effects, perform better with increased available RAM. To increase available RAM:

Generally, SIREN uses the sound card that is installed in the computer for playback. However, some CD drives experience difficulty playing music smoothly through SIREN. If gapping or glitching occurs, clear the Use sound card check box in the General tab of the Preferences dialog. This allows SIREN to read audio directly from the CD drive.