Add a device address
Microsoft ActiveSync Help  

Add a device address

Some devices or versions of Microsoft Exchange may require you to specify a device address to synchronize as items arrive. You can schedule synchronization as items arrive only after your first full synchronization with Microsoft Exchange.

  1. Click Tools, then click Schedule.
  2. Once you have selected the When new items arrive check box in Peak times or Off-peak times, click Device Address.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • If you have been instructed to use a pre-defined service provider profile, select Corporate Service Provider, then enter the profile name for your service plan in the Service provider name list, and enter your device phone number, if necessary, in Device phone number.
    • If you do not want to use a provider profile, select Device SMS Address, then enter the address that identifies your device on the network. This is the same address that Internet users use to send text messages to your device.

See also

Synchronize as items arrive

Synchronizing with your PC

Synchronize with Microsoft Exchange

Change the synchronization schedule

Change peak times