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More Windows Fruit
07 Apr 2000 08:00 EST

Francis A. Boisvert from MacTokyo alerts us to some hot new hardware. The fruity flood gates are wide open. Too bad it's from the dark side.

This funky Windows CPU's been around for a few months here in Tokyo. It's the Vogue from Gentry! It comes in the craziest colors imaginable and the specs include an AMD K6-2 450Mhz chip, 64MB of RAM, 8.4GB HD, 24x CD-ROM, on-board 8MB VGA, speakers, MP3 Jet-Audio software, and Windows 98... Get me a blacklight and let's rave!

And all for only JPY98,000! What a deal!

Source : NoBeige & Gentry


Created : February 29, 2000
Last updated : April 10, 2000