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Satellite-Pluto Express

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Craig Kember, Todd Levy, Geoff Kater, Wonjin John, Barnard Lee, Shane Estanislao, Pascal Wawoe, James Clunc, John Elezovic and Mark Weaver of Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA
Marty Smith, IDSA, Art Center College of Design, 818.396.2343

A fully automated satellite probe, the Pluto Express was designed for a 10-year journey to Pluto. Components are placed for maximum efficiency and protected by a hard shell. By keeping the weight to a minimum, the satellite can continue its flight after completing the primary mission: to see what lies beyond the farthest planet in our solar system.

© 1997 Industrial Designers Society of America

Source : idsa


Created : October 10, 1998
Last updated : March 12, 1999