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Computer Accessories

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Photographer: Marc Russell
Noel Zeller, IDSA, of Zelco Industries, Inc., Mt. Vernon, NY; Harvey Bernstein, IDSA, Andrew Schloss, IDSA, Seth Greenwald and Lukie Bernstein of Bernstein Design Associates, New York, NY
Zelco Industries, Inc., Mt. Vernon, NY
Lukie Bernstein, Bernstein Design Associates, 212.243.4149

Organizing the desktop while adding a touch of whimsy to the computer environment, these computer accessories attach to the computer with flexible arms. Add water and a flower to the Computer Budvase to soften up a hard drive. Or snap on the Document Clip to conveniently position and scan copy and the computer screen at the same time. The Mousetrap captures the mouse with its flexible arms to store and protect it. The Utility Cup makes pens, pencils and scissors behave and keeps them off the desktop.

" This product removes clutter and helps to humanize the computer environment. It's great having whimsy in a product for a change. I liked them so much I bought a set."
-- Robert Blaich, FIDSA, Blaich Associates

© 1997 Industrial Designers Society of America

Source : idsa


Created : October 10, 1998
Last updated : March 12, 1999