AppleMovies - Switching to Mac - Juan Proaño Quicktime Movies @ The Apple Collection
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AppleMovies - Switching to Mac - Juan Proaño

by Apple
I recently purchased a G4 notebook, after being a PC user for over 15 years. Simply put, I just couldnÍt resist the sleekness of this new model. Prior to this, I had never owned or even used a Macintosh and was a bit intimidated by having to learn to use a new OS. My fears proved unwarranted, and I have been extremely happy with the entire Apple package.

To think that I could find a notebook and software that I could use without any modifications is unbelievable. I have found OS X to be everything that it is touted to be - itÍs as sleek in design as the notebook itself. It has been everything I have been looking for in a computer over the last 5 years.

A funny story. As I was trying to convince a good friend to also make the switch to Mac, he asked me if IÍd had any problems with the computer crashing. I found this to be an odd question, given that IÍve never had that experience with my Mac. As I thought about it, I began to remember what an everyday occurrence this was on the Windows platform. It just brought to mind some of the incidental things we take for granted.

In the meantime, IÍm planning to purchase an iPod, iMac and a new notebook for my wife. I have now experienced what all the fanaticism is about owning a Mac. TheyÍre elegant, simple and enhance our everyday lives.

Bravo, Juan Miguel Proano
