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OpenGL Extension Spec


-- Preliminary Specification --



Name Strings



    Dan Abrahams-Gessel, ATI Research, Inc., (dgessel 'at'
    Bob Beretta, Apple Computer (beretta 'at'
    Thomas Fortier, ATI Research, Inc., (tfortier 'at'


    Jeremy Sandmel, ATI Research, Inc., (jsandmel 'at'


    Shipping (on MacOSX version 10.3 and later)


    Last Modified Date: December 5, 2003
    Author Revision: 0.05



    OpenGL 1.1 is required.
    GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object affects the definition of this 
    GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range affects the definition of this 
    GL_APPLE_element_array affects the definition of this 
    The extension is written against the OpenGL 1.4 Specification.


    In order to achieve optimal performance during the processing
    of vertex array data, certain ATI hardware can benefit from
    having the vertex pre-arranged in a particular format
    by the application.  This extension provides an interface
    both for the GL to request that the application pre-arrange
    the data, and for the application to inform the GL the
    application has complied with the request.
    When this extension is used, within the collection of arrays 
    dereferenced by a glDrawArrays call, for each array of data 
    (position, color, normal, texture coordinates, etc) in which the
    components (R,G,B,A, or S,T,R,Q, etc) of the array element 
    are less than 4 bytes in size, then the components are
    reordered by the application to achieve optimal performance.
    The reordering is simple in practice.  For every group of
    4 bytes, the component ordering needs to be reversed.
    If the components are 1 byte each, then all 4 bytes are
    reversed.  If the components are 2 bytes each (i.e. a short),
    then each pair of shorts within the array elements is reversed
    within the pair.

    The intended usage model is that this extension string
    is only exported if needed.  That is, if the extension
    string is not exported, then no re-ordering is required.
    Note that this requirement also affects arrays of vertex 
    indices if the APPLE_element_array extension 
    is used and the indices are less than 4 bytes per index.
IP Status

    There are no known IP related issues with this extension
    at the time of writing this specification.

    1.  Should there be a way for the GL to request special treatment
    of individual arrays instead of treating all arrays uniformly?
    That is, should there be extension strings or some other
    query mechanisms for independently asking if each of the
    color, normal, texcoord, etc, arrays need different
        RESOLUTION:  No.
        The particular hardware issue here is
        that all arrays need the same re-formatting so it's not
        worth creating a more complicated API than necessary.
        This api, as it stands, is quite simple.
        (Though arguably the actual format of the data is
         a little weird.)

    2.  This extension only makes sense if the  for
    all of the arrays is a multiple of 4 when 
    If the  is not a multiple of 4 then, what should happen?
    Should we say the results of rendering are undefined or
    should an INVALID_OPERATION error be generated at
    render time?
        RESOLUTION: unresolved.
        Ideally, an INVALID_OPERATION error would be thrown
        at render time if an attempt was made to render while any
        enabled array had an effective stride that was not
        a multiple of 4 bytes if GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI
        is true.
    3.  Does anything special need to be said aout how
    this extension interacts with interleaved arrays?
        RESOLUTION: No.
        The same restrictions apply to interleaved arrays 
        and all array rendering for that  matter.  Regardless of how 
        the vertx array state variables are set, the constraints of 
        this extension still apply.

    4.  Is the GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI state stored
    per vertex array object (as defined in 
    GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object), or per-context?
        RESOLUTION: unresolved
        The intent of this specification is that the
        GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI is stored
        per vertex array object.
        However, the GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object extension
        doesn't actually define the VertexArrayParameteriAPPLE
        routine.  That routine is defined in the 
        GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range specification which makes
        no mention of objects at all.  This would imply
        the vertex array range storage hints which are
        defined in the GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range are to
        be stored per context, but I don't think that was
        intended.  Furthermore, the GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object
        does not include the storage hints set by 
        VertexArrayParameteriAPPLE in it's list of state encapsulated
        by GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object, which is further evidence
        that the vertex array parameter state is not included
        per-object.  Again, however, I don't think that was the
        In any event, assuming that the state set by
        VertexArrayParameteriAPPLE is per-object, then this new
        state GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI is also per object.
        Whether you can get this state by a state query is a
        separate issue (see issue #5 below)

    5.  Should the GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI parameter
    state be get'able?
        RESOLUTION: unresolved
        Ideally yes, however the GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range
        extension which adds the VertexArrayParameteriAPPLE
        entry point for some reason does not also add a
        corresonding GetVertexArrayParameterivAPPLE entry point.
        If it did, we'd use that.
        Since it doesn't, should we add the Get entry point
        for this extension alone?
        Or should we modify that one to allow the Getting
        of the vertex array range storage hint

    6.  ATI_array_rev_comps_in_4_bytes is an ATI extension that 
    depends on, but does not require the GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range 
    extension because it uses the VertexArrayParameteriAPPLE entry 
    point. If the GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range is not supported, 
    then this extension defines it just as it is defined in 
    that extension.  So the question is: is that weird?
    Should there be a VertexArrayParameteriATI entry point instead
    if GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range is not supported?
        RESOLUTION: unresolved
        Agreed, this is weird, but since the
        only platform implementing this extension right now
        is MacOSX where GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range is supported
        this is a non-issue.  
        However, if this extension gets implemented on any
        on any other non-Apple platforms, that happen to not support 
        GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range, then this will become an issue.
        The recommended resolution in that case would be to get 
        Apple's permission to just use this one routine for this 
        If that fails, we will have to create 

New Procedures and Functions

    If GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range is supported, then no
    new procedures and functions are required by this extension.
    If GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range is not supported, then 
    this extension adds the following single procedure:
        void VertexArrayParameteriAPPLE(enum pname, int param);

New Tokens

    Accepted by the  parameters of VertexArrayParameteriAPPLE


Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (OpenGL Operation)

  Modify Section 2.8, Vertex Arrays, p.24, second paragraph as 
    "The one, two, three, or four values in an array that correspond 
     to a single vertex comprise an array element. The values within 
     each array element are stored sequentially in memory, unless

     GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI can be set to TRUE by using
     the routine:
        void VertexArrayParameteriAPPLE(enum pname, int param)

     with  set to GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI and
      set to TRUE.  The default value of 

     If GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI is set to true, and the
      or "effective stride" (see table 2.6) for that array is 
     a multiple of 4 bytes, then the GL is expecting that the 
     components of an element of the array have been re-arranged as 
         For 1 four-byte component per 4 bytes, then 
           the GL is not expecting any data re-arranging.
         For 2 two-byte components per 4 bytes, then
           the order of the components are reversed within each
           pair of components per array element,
         For 4 single-byte components per 4 bytes, then
           the order of the components are reversed within
           each group of 4 components per array element

     To be explicit and complete, the following table (2.5) describes 
     the possible combinations of type, element size, and 
     component ordering:
     Bytes per       Number of     Original order    Rearranged order
     component       components    within 4 byte     within 4 byte
     per array       per array     groups            groups
     element         element       
     ------------    ----------    --------------    --------------
     1               1             [A],[?],[?],[?]   [?],[?],[?],[A]
     1               2             [A],[B],[?],[?]   [?],[?],[B],[A]
     1               4             [A],[B],[C],[D]   [D],[C],[B],[A]
     2               1             [A,B],[?,?]       [?,?],[A,B]              
     2               2             [A,B],[C,D]       [C,D],[A,B]              
     2               4             [A,B],[C,D],      [C,D],[A,B],
                                   [E,F],[G,H]       [G,H],[E,F]              
     4               1             [A,B,C,D]         [A,B,C,D]
     4               2             [A,B,C,D],        [A,B,C,D],
                                   [E,F,G,H]         [E,F,G,H]
     4               4             [A,B,C,D],        [A,B,C,D],
                                   [E,F,G,H]         [E,F,G,H]
                                   [I,J,K,L]         [I,J,K,L]
                                   [M,N,O,P]         [M,N,O,P]
         - The effective element stride is assumed to be a multiple
           of 4 for all cases in this table.
         - An item enclosed in brackets "[]" represents a single 
           component of an array element
         - A question mark "?" character represents a "don't care" 
           component or padding caused by a stride 
           which is wider than the native array element size.
         - The letters,  A,B,C,D, E,F,G,H, I,J,K,L, M,N,O,P 
           represent individual bytes of data which are 
           originally stored sequentially
         - Note that all the elements for the cases where
           there are 4 bytes per component remain unchanged
     Table 2.5 - Expected byte and vertex array element component 
                ordering when using GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI

     If GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI is set to true, and the
      for that array is not a multiple of 4 bytes, then
     the results of rendering with that array are undefined."


  Modify Section 2.8, Vertex Arrays, p.24, second paragraph,
  starting with the third sentence as follows:

    "If stride is specified as zero, then array elements are stored 
     sequentially as well, unless GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI
     is set to true.
     If GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI is set to true, and
      is set to zero, then the GL will consider the 
     "effective stride" (see table 2.6 below) between elements.
     The "effective stride" is nothing more than the stride
     of tightly packed data from one array element to the
     next. If the "effective stride" is a multiple of 4 bytes, then
     the GL still expects the array elements to be formatted as 
     described above in table 2.5.  If GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI
     is set to true, and  is zero, and if the "effective stride"
     is not a multiple of 4 bytes, then the results of rendering with 
     that array are undefined.
                                   "Effective Stride"
                                               when  is 0
         ----                        ------    ----------------
         UNSIGNED_BYTE, BYTE         1         1*
         UNSIGNED_BYTE, BYTE         2         2*
         UNSIGNED_BYTE, BYTE         3         3*
         UNSIGNED_BYTE, BYTE         4         4
         UNSIGNED_SHORT, SHORT       1         2*
         UNSIGNED_SHORT, SHORT       2         4
         UNSIGNED_SHORT, SHORT       3         6*
         UNSIGNED_SHORT, SHORT       4         8
         UNSIGNED_INT, INT, FLOAT    1         4
         UNSIGNED_INT, INT, FLOAT    2         8
         UNSIGNED_INT, INT, FLOAT    3         12
         UNSIGNED_INT, INT, FLOAT    4         16
         DOUBLE                      1         8
         DOUBLE                      2         16
         DOUBLE                      3         24
         DOUBLE                      4         32
         Table 2.6 - Definition of effective stride when  
                     is set to zero.
                     , , and  parameters represent 
                     those given to any of the gl*ArrayPointer calls.
                     Rendering with arrays for the cases
                     marked with "*" will cause undefined
                     results because the "effective stride"
                     is not a multiple of 4.
     The error INVALID VALUE is generated if stride is negative. 
     Otherwise pointers to the ith and (i + 1)st 
     elements of an array differ by stride basic machine units 
     (typically unsigned bytes), the pointer to the (i + 1)st element 
     being greater. For each command, pointer specifies the location 
     in memory of the first value of the first element of the array 
     being specified...."

Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Rasterization)


Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Per-Fragment
Operations and the Frame Buffer)


Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Special Functions)

    **** TODO: is VertexArrayParameteriAPPLE or 
    GetVertexArrayParameter listable?

Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (State and
State Requests)

    **** TODO: should VertexArrayParameteriAPPLE or 
    GetVertexArrayParameter go here?
Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Invariance)


Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications

Dependencies on GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object

    If GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object is supported, then the
    array object also encapsulates the state defined by this
    extension.  That is, there is a unique value of
    GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI per vertex array object.

Dependencies on GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range

    If GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range is supported, then this extension 
    defines no new entry points and simply uses the 
    VertexArrayParameteriAPPLE entry point from that specification.
    If GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range is not supported, then
    this extension adds the VertexArrayParameteriAPPLE
    entry point.

Dependencies on GL_APPLE_element_array

    If GL_APPLE_element_array is supported, then the reformatting
    requirements of this extension apply to the array
    of vertex indices as well.  That is, byte or short sized
    index data must be re-ordered within a 4 byte group if


    **** TODO: should INVALID OPERATION be set if 
    GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI is set to true and
    all of the arrays in the array object/current array state
    do not have an effective stride of a multiple of 4 bytes per array?

New State

(table 6.N, p. ###)
    Get Value                            Type    Get Command    Value     Description       Sec.    Attribute
    ---------                            ----    -----------    -------   -----------       ----    ---------
    GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI    B       none           FALSE     request special   2.8     vertex-array
                                                                          of vertex array

New Implementation Dependent State


Example usage

 - pseudo-code:
   #if GL_ATI_array_rev_comps_in_4_bytes 
     if (isExtensionSupported("GL_ATI_array_rev_comps_in_4_bytes") 
        // This example uses byte-per-component color and
        // short-per-component tex coords.
        // Therefore, 
        // color arrays (8888) need special formatting 
        // tex coords (16_16_16_16) need special formatting
        // everything else is (default) 4 byte per component format 

        // color values will be rearranged by app into ABGR order, 
        // 1 byte per component, such that after component 
        // re-ordering within each 4 byte group, this will 
        // generate RGBA data per vtx 

        // tex coords will be rearranged by app into TSQR order, 
        // 1 short per component, such that after component
        // re-ordering  within each 4 byte group, this will 
        // generate STRQ data per vtx 

        // vtx position data will already be arranged by app
        // into XYZW order,
        // 1 float (4 bytes) per component, as expected. 
        // This means the data for vertices remains unchanged 
        // by this unpack parameter. Since it's only one component 
        // for every 4 bytes, no component reordering occurs,
        // therefore no special reformatting is necessary for 
        // position data. 

   // call arrays just like before 
   ColorPointer    ( 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 4, myColorPtr ) ; 
   TexCoordPointer ( 4, GL_SHORT,         8, myTexCoordPtr) ; 
   VertexPointer   ( 4, GL_FLOAT,         0, myVtxPointer ); 

   // now render 

Revision History

    Version 0.05 - December 5, 2003 (js)
        - fixed typo in contributor info

    Version 0.04 - December 5, 2003 (js)
        - fixed typo in table 2.6
        - fixed typo which refered to wrong extension name

    Version 0.03 - December 5, 2003 (js)
        - added dependency on GL_APPLE_element_array
        - simplified overview section
        - clarified and reformatted several items in issues list
        - added issue #6 about re-using VertexArrayParameteriAPPLE
          entry point
        - added more explicit language about using
          VertexArrayParameteriAPPLE to set value of 
          GL_ARRAY_REV_COMPS_IN_4_BYTES_ATI state variable
        - simplified Table 2.5 based on component size instead
          of component type to avoid duplicating 
          unsigned and signed types, all that matters is their
          size anyway
        - simplified Table 2.6, effective stride table
        - cleaned up pseudo code example

    Version 0.02 - November 26, 2003 (js)
        - fleshed out, added tables for clarity
        - added sample code example
        - added more issues
        - added state table

    Version 0.01 - November 26, 2003 (js)
        - initial revision
        - very rough draft