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Linux shells

Once your computer is logged in, you will see a prompt line with the $ symbol (later, this symbol will designate such a prompt line). The program awaiting your instructions is the shell. Its role is to transmit your commands to the Linux kernel. Here is a brief description of the different shells available under linux:

``bash'' is the most frequent shell on linux. It makes a history of the commands and enables you to edit them.
``csh'' is the C-shell. It does not enable you to edit the command line.
``ksh'' is the korn shell. It is a well-known shell under UNIX(tm) systems.
``tcsh'' is an improved version of the C-shell.
``sh'' is the oldest.
``zsh'' is the most recent.
The default shell is "Bash" (Bourne Again Shell). You only have to type:

echo $SHELL
to know which shell you're using. Each shell has its own syntax. We advise you to use the Bash shell, which is simple and powerful. Later, we will use this shell in our examples.

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