Keyframer Layout

The Keyframer is a module where the timelines and keyframes of all Actors can be viewed and edited in one display.

In the Keyframer window, time runs horizontally from left to right. Each Actor can have up to four timelines plotted in a horizontal band. The four timelines, from top to bottom, are Costume, Movement (Position), Rotation, Scale. The band for the main Camera is always at the top of the window with subsequent bands containing the remainder of the Actors.

The timelines are the red horizontal lines and the colored dots at the end of the timelines are the keyframes. The Keyframer has a single Edit menu where Actors can be added, deleted or renamed. The status bar shows the range of frames (in the bottom left corner) and the currently indicated frame (in the bottom right corner). As the mouse is dragged over the window a crosshair cursor jumps from frame to frame and timeline to timeline.

Normally timelines and keyframes are created implicitly as Actors are added and the tools are used to move then into position and tell them what to do.