Material Settings Basics

Specifies Color, Phong Smoothing, and Specular Highlights for selected faces.

The changes can be previewed in the Camera Window by pressing the Preview button at the bottom of the dialog.

Color Applied to Selected Faces - This is the color that the faces in the model will have when it appears in a rendered image or animation.

Many of the faces selected may have different attributes. For example, part of a sphere may be red, another part green. When you enter a color in a color swatch this is not applied to the faces until you click the Set button. Similarly the color swatches can be updated by reading the colors from the selected faces by clicking the Get Button. If some of the selected faces carry different attributes the Get button will be grayed and inactive.

Click on the Color Swatch button to choose a new color from the Set Faces Color dialog.

Select a color from the Basic Colors matrix or create a new one with the Luminance slider and the RGB/HSV data fields. Click OK to accept the color. Cancel to return to the previous dialog without changing the original color.

Get button - Clicking on the Get button reads the color of the selected faces and updates the Color Swatch with that color.

Set button - Updates the selected faces with the color displayed in the Color Swatch.

Texture Color - This color will appear over parts of the faces if they have a two-tone texture. For example, in a marble it defines the background color while the vein's color is taken from the faces main color.

Phong Smoothing - Applies Phong Smoothing to the selected faces.

Specular Highlights - Applies specular highlights to the selected faces. If the setting is Off, the surface will have a matte or dull finish. The size of the specular highlight is adjusted in with the Glossiness slider in the Attributes Settings Tab page.