Export Letters as Model

Writes a series of MFX files from objects created by Postscript or TrueType Text Builder utilities..

This function creates a MFX file, named by the letter, for each letter. A -C suffixes the file name for upper-case models. The Hold Point as specified in the Text Builder, is taken as the Model Center for each letter. The Follow Point for each letter is automatically set to support proper kerning, or proportional spacing, of following characters in an animation. This command is nearly the same as the File > Export Model > Hierarchy Joints command except that each part of the model is rotated through 180 degrees before it is saved. A rotation is needed if a "Travelers" animation is to be made.

Specify a directory to where the letters are to be saved. For letters, it's a good idea to set aside a subdirectory within the MODELS directory for each font, and to keep nothing else in that directory to avoid confusion. If there is a typeface you especially like, it's usually worth the time to create the entire character set at once.