Developer Toolbox v6.1 Help/Confused Page

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This page attempts to list the most common questions we expect people
are having about this v6.1 Toolbox, and the best answers we can manage.

There are two sets of questions addressed in this Help file:

Viewing/Accessing the v6.1 CD-Set Questions


  1. You'll need to become familiar with the DT v6.1 CD Roadmap
    (IF you have only 1 CDROM drive and thus must swap CDs to download content).

    Apropos this, the relevant pitfalls to be aware of
    are articulated in the DT v6.1 Web-on-CD Pitfalls file.

  2. To invoke viewDT to startup/view/access the Developers Toolbox,
    type the following commands in a shell window:

    You must not be anywhere inside of /CDROM in any shell or dirview window when you run/use the v6.1 DT CD set. In the above command, you don't actually need to change directory to $HOME, it simply ensures success. The goal here is to make your current working directory be outside of the mounted Developer Toolbox CDROM.

    If you work with the desktop, and are not familiar with a shell window, go to the Toolchest "Desktop" pull-dowm menu and select the "Unix Shell" menu item. Once this window comes up there will be a prompt of some kind (default is the percent (`%') character). Type in "cd $HOME", then press the "Enter" key, and then type in "/CDROM/bin/viewDT" and press "Enter" again.

    Actually, the full command comprises the following forms:

         /CDROM/bin/viewDT [-r] [-f </directory>]
         /CDROM/bin/viewDT [-r] [-f tmp_dir] [-C CD_dir]
         /CDROM/bin/viewDT -u [-f tmp_dir]
         /CDROM/bin/viewDT -R [-f tmp_dir]
         /CDROM/bin/viewDT -h
           -h          Help text (this stuff)
           -r          Remove DT_utilities directory when viewDT finishes
           -R          Just remove DT_utilities directory
           -u          Just create DT_utilities directory
           -f tmp_dir  Possible directory to hold DT_utilities
           -C CD_dir   Directory of CD to be viewed
    but you will only want these other command line options if you have special circumstances. It is necessary to copy approximately 10 megabytes onto your local disk in order for the viewDT script to function. Running the above command without any arguments will copy a set of files into your /usr/tmp directory where they will remain even after viewDt exits. They are ready for future viewDT sessions.
    • If you add the -r flag, viewDT will remove the 10 MBs worth of files when you exit viewDT.
    • With the -f </directory> option, you can explicitly specify to where you want the 10 MB to be copied.
    For more details about all this, see, Section 3, how to do the viewing from the copy of the /CDROM/bin/helpfile, at the back of the v6.1 liner notes.

Included below are two html-ized representations of
the viewDT helpfile and the dtCDmgr helpfile
enabling you to browse and manage respectively,
the three CDs constituting the v6.1 DT.

start of viewDT helpfile (/CDROM/bin/helpfile)

The purpose of this "help" file is to provide information about initiating viewing of the v6.1 CD form of the Developer Toolbox. Areas discussed are:

0) if your CDROM drive is not mounted as /CDROM

/dev/dsk/dks0d4s7 /CDROM efs ro,sock=/tmp/.mediadXXXXXX 0 0
/dev/rmt/tps0d5nr /tape archive opts=NA,sock=/tmp/.mediadXXXXXX 0 0

1) location of Developer Toolbox "help" documentation

2) prerequisites to satisfy before starting any viewing

    There are some prequisites you will want to ensure are satisfied before you attempt to view anything on the Developer Toolbox. There are two versions of the following information: one for people on a system running IRIX 6.2, and the other for people running IRIX 5.3 (or anything else prior to IRIX 6.2).

  1. For people running viewDT on an IRIX 6.2 system:

    1. Make sure you have all the Netscape helper programs installed.

      You can verify you have IRIX 6.2-released versions of the following subsystems containing the necessary netscape helper apps by running the versions command and comparing the described version numbers to the following:

      • showcase -- IRIS Showcase 3.4
      • inventor_eoe -- Inventor Execution Only Environment, 2.1.2
      • imgtools -- ImageVision Tools, 3.0

      • il_eoe -- ImageVision Library Execution Only Environment, 2.5.1
      • dmedia_eoe -- IRIS Digital Media Execution Environment, 6.2


      • dps_eoe -- Display PostScript/X, 2.0.5 based on PostScript Level 2
        This subsystem is not needed for people who use something other than xpsview(1) to view PostScript files on their system. You can arrange to use a different PostScript viewer via your personal $HOME/.mailcap file and an appropriate substitute helper program (e.g. ghostview).
        It is worth mentioning that if you do not have your own $HOME/.mailcap and/or $HOME/.mime.types files, versions of these will be created for you. $HOME/.mime.types is used to augment the global default definitions (/usr/local/lib/netscape/mime.types) of the file extensions which correspond to a particular mime type. $HOME/.mailcap is used to augment the global default definitions (/usr/local/lib/netscape/mailcap) of the mime types which correspond to a particular helper application. There will be some Toolbox-specific definitions added to both of these files to help support the viewing of Developer Toolbox content.

  2. For people running viewDT on an IRIX 5.3 (i.e. a non IRIX 6.2) system.

    1. Make sure you have all the Netscape helper programs installed.
      (Available on the Descktop Special Edition (DSE) 1.1 CD)

      You can verify you have sufficiently current versions of the following subsystems containing the necessary netscape helper apps by running the versions command and comparing the described version numbers to the following:

      • showcase -- IRIS Showcase 3.3.3
      • inventor_eoe -- Inventor Execution Only Environment, 2.1.1
      • imgtools -- ImageVision Tools, 2.3

      • il_eoe -- ImageVision Library Execution Only Environment, 2.5
      • dmedia_tools -- IRIS Digital Media Tools, 5.5
      • dmedia_eoe -- IRIS Digital Media Execution Environment, 5.5

      If you do not have the above subsystems loaded, you can find them on the DSE 1.1 CD, the second CD included in the v5.1 DT. It contains all the inst images needed to satisfy the above prerequisites.

      If you do not have the v5.1 DT, look for a copy of the DSE 1.1 CD with your collection of IRIX 5.3 CDs. If it is not there, you can also access the DSE 1.1 contents at If you are unable to do this, contact the Developer Program at, or on the phone either via 1-800/770-3033, or 415/933-3033, or by fax via 415/969-6327, and tell them you need a copy of the DSE 1.1 CD sent to you through the post.

    2. Make sure you have all the appropriate patches installed.

      Not all subsystems in these patches will install -- you will only be allowed to install subsystems corresponding to base software already installed. In other words, always attempt to install the entire patch and don't be alarmed about the parts which do not install.

      Some of the patch locations mentioned below also contain a recommended patch list. It is helpful to know your hardware and O.S. level in order to install the recommended patches. We are working to have this information included in the toolbox. We do have an abbreviated list below of seven key patches for IRIX 5.3, current as of August 14, 1996. All of them are replacements of similar IRIX 5.3 patches recommended in the v5.1 DT. These patches are also available on the toolbox in /toolbox/dist/5.3/patches/

      Patch 1412 - IRIX 5.3 Networking Rollup Patch
      3MBs 8/13/96
      Patch 1268 - 5.3/5.3xfs combined kernel rollup patch
      8MBs 6/6/96
      Patch 1264 - XFS rollup patch for 5.3
      30MBs 5/1/96
      Patch 1102 - NFS roll up
      2MBs 4/3/96
      Patch 1095 - Scrolled Window patch
      2MBs 1/19/96
      X server roll up Choose at most one of the following
      Patch 1187 - excluding Impact graphics (for non-Impact systems)
      14MBs 3/22/96
      Patch 1271 - only for Impact graphics (for Impact systems)
      2MBs 5/1/96

      For those people with support contracts these patches are available in the Support Folio quarterly release CDs, and also inside Silicon Surf's SurfZone (to register, go to, in Supportfolio Online's "Silicon Graphics's support patches on the web" entry page.

    3. Possible Inst Warning Messages and Conflicts:

      There are two different types of warning messages you might see which are benign. When you run the inst command "keep Same" as part of the prerequisite install sequence, you might see the warning message "No matches were found." You can safely ignore it.

      After running the inst command "go," you might see some conflicts concerning subsystems not presently installed on your system. These should offer a single resolution to the conflict. The choice will be to not install a particular patch subsystem. It is quite safe to select this single choice resolution to the conflict.

      Rhere is one error condition which might occur which will require some work on your part. In a shell window, run the command "versions tooltalk_eoe". If you see the subsystems "tooltalk_eoe.sw.links" and "tooltalk_eoe.sw.runtime" listed, there is nothing more to do. Otherwise, before performing the prerequisite install sequence, you must locate your "IRIX 5.3" CD and install the two tooltalk_eoe subsytems mentioned above. If for some reason you are unable to install these subsytems, then you will be unable to view the only two movies which are present on the Developer Toolbox v6.1 CD.

    4. A PostScript Viewing Issue:

      You will have nothing more to do, if you have already installed the 5.3 subsystem, dps_eoe.sw.dps, which provides the Netscape viewer application xpsview. Without this subsystem you will not be able to view PostScript files on the Developer Toolbox. Of course, you can arrange to use a different viewing program via your personal $HOME/.mailcap file and an appropriate substitute helper program.

      It is worth mentioning that if you do not have your own $HOME/.mailcap and/or $HOME/.mime.types files, versions of these will be created for you. $HOME/.mime.types is used to augment the global default definitions (/usr/local/lib/netscape/mime.types) of the file extensions which correspond to a particular mime type. $HOME/.mailcap is used to augment the global default definitions (/usr/local/lib/netscape/mailcap) of the mime types which correspond to a particular helper application. There will be some Toolbox-specific definitions added to both of these files to help support the viewing of Developer Toolbox content.

3) how to do the viewing

4) essential information about the viewing process

5) files placed on your workstation while running viewDT

end of viewDT helpfile (/CDROM/bin/helpfile)

start of dtCDmgr helpfile

How to use the Developer Toolbox
Distributed CDROM Resource Manager

To EJECT Your Currently Loaded CD:

  1. press LEFTMOUSE on the CD listed in the body of the dtCDmgr window (to select it)
  2. press the "Eject" button (second from left at bottom of window)
    NOTE: If the eject fails you will have to do the following:
  3. replace the CD with the one for which you are being prompted
  4. make sure the same CD device is selected (press LEFTMOUSE if necessary)
  5. in the "Edit" pull-down menu, choose the "Refresh" menu item
  6. press the "Done" button (button at bottom right-corner of window).

dtCDmgr orientation

You probably started up this utility, dtCDmgr, by trying to go to an unmounted link. This is the most typical way to start it. You can also start dtCDmgr by hand in the same way you started up viewDT, but viewDT must already be running before you invoke dtCDmgr. For instance, if you started viewDT by typing "/CDROM/bin/viewDT", you can then start dtCDmgr after viewDT is already running by typing "/CDROM/bin/dtCDmgr".

Use the dtCDmgr utility to manage local and remote CDROMs for your Developer Toolbox CD datasets. For example, you can load the first CD in your local CDROM drive and the second and third CDs in remote drives. Use the "Add..." button to add local and remote CDROM mount points (paths) that you use to access the other CDs and the information on them.

NOTE: If you only have one CDROM drive, you must first eject your currently loaded CD and then insert the CD for which you are being prompted. To do this, select the CD shown in the dtCDmgr window with LEFTMOUSE. This will make the Eject button come alive. Press Eject and then switch CDs. Then using the Edit pull-down menu, select "Refresh" to have the dtCDmgr recognize the CD you have inserted. The final step then is to press the "Done" button.

NOTE: Automount must be running in order to access remote-mounted CDROMs. If you are not familiar with this, see the AUTOMOUNT(1M) man page for more information.

The remote CDROM paths are specified as follows:


for example, /hosts/rocinante.engr/CDROM

Important Files

$(HOME)/.www_6.1 is the temporary directory used by the viewDT command.
$(HOME)/.dtcdresource contains the pathnames of the local and remote CDROMs you configure and from which the dtCDmgr utility reads.

User Interface


If a CDROM device is busy, you cannot eject a CD. Make sure no other program is using a file on the CDROM. For instance, one might be editing a file of the CD, or running a program from the CD, etc. Also, in any shell or dirview window, do not let your current working directory be any directory under /CDROM. If you cannot eject a CD using the dtCDmgr utility, try a hardware eject (pressing the eject button on the CDROM drive), or use the fuser(1M) command, for example:

to find out who else is using the CD. Note the state change of the desktop CDROM icon, when you load or eject a CD.

end of dtCDmgr helpfile

General Toolbox web house Questions:

  1. What are HTML and HTTP?
  2. Why do I see the Unable to locate host Error window come up?
  3. What does the Connection refused by host Error window mean?
  4. Why can't I send mail through the "Pheedbak" links?
  5. Why do I get screenfulls of text errors in the window I start netscape from?
  6. Why did you decide to use this interface for the Toolbox?
  7. Currently I'm not connected to the Internet--how can I get connected?
  8. Why don't certain buttons and pull-down menu items in the netscape browser work?
  9. Why can't I eject the toolbox CD?
  10. How do I make suggestions or contributions to the toolbox

  1. What are HTML and HTTP?

    The interface to the Toolbox continues to evolve by the power afforded with Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) functionality, where "hyper-links" or "linked-text" (as well as other linked-data, i.e. images, sound files, movie clips, etc.) provides any document file with an enormously useful "cross-reference" capability, which in turn gives documents a multi-dimensional depth and texture not possible with paper and books.

    All HTML-written documents are interpreted by and presented inside the sort of client "browser" you are now reading this document with. For all such documents to be "served up" with 100% operability, one must have an Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server running and accessible on the network one's machine is on. With an HTTP server running, one can make requests through the client browser, which are then processed and responded to on the server side of this paradigm. A Web Terminology Glossary is available for those unfamiliar with HTML and HTTP terminology.

  2. Why do I see the Unable to locate host Error window come up?

    The reason this happens is because you are accessing one of the Uniform Resource Locators, or URLs, which won't work if you are running the v6.1 (or v5.0, v5.1, or v6.0) Toolbox in an network environment where there is no electronic access to the Internet from your machine. There are a number of issues involved, but for people who are not working in secure environments, there is a section on Getting Connected to the Internet and the Web inside the Developer Toolbox v5.0 CD: HTML (client) / HTTP (server) Issues document.

  3. What does the Connection refused by host Error window mean?

    This error notifier either indicates a given host you are attempting to connect with is currently off-line and unavailable, or it means you do not have the "SOCKS Host:" and "Port:" fields defined correctly in the Mail and Proxies window of your Netscape browser window's Options->Preferences pull-down menu entry. There is a section relevant to this subject on Defining netscape's "SOCKS Host:" and "Port:" fields to match your environment's firewall inside the Developer Toolbox v5.0 CD: HTML (client) / HTTP (server) Issues document.

  4. Why can't I send mail through the "Pheedbak" links?

    In order for the Pheedbak links to work, you must have access to the Internet for electronic-mail, as the end result of invoking the Pheedbak FORM is that an e-mail message is sent to

    There are a number of issues involved, but for people who are not working in secure environments, there is a section on Getting Connected to the Internet and the Web inside the Developer Toolbox v5.0 CD: HTML (client) / HTTP (server) Issues document.

  5. Why do I get screenfulls of text errors in the window I start netscape from?

    This is caused by a bug in IRIX 5.3 that is fixed in Patch 1095. Load this patch from toolbox/dist/5.3/patches/ and this behavior will be resolved.

  6. Why did you decide to use this interface for the Toolbox?

    As everyone knows, the Toolbox has been BADLY in need of a powerful and swank graphical user interface (GUI) for as long as it has existed. The reason the HTML/HTTP-interface was chosen, is because it is the most pre-eminent manifestation occuring on the planet at this time of the technologic-herald for the coming electronic world library. A year and-a-half ago, in discussing "Mosaic" (HTML-and-HTTP) with the venerable Tom Paquin, he described it as an extremely "low-tech" combination of technology (`there's nothing new about it's fundamental components' although this is rapidly beginning to change), and yet, in the world of information technology, it more than anything else, is providing the means for the assemblage of all electronic forms of data to exist within one interface.

    The janitor is extremely fascinated by this extraordinarily powerful GUI which, in the coming months and years, will facilitate a MUCH MORE USEFUL mechanism for the organization and identification/location of information relevant to your specific tasks, needs and concerns, and afford a multi-dimensional depth and texture of information-access hitherto unavailable. This new GUI is in its infancy. 6 months ago, the janitor estimated 18-to-36 months for initial maturity of this new paradigm. He still feels this is a reasonable guesstimate. During this interim period of "infancy", your patience is deeply appreciated. And, never forget that ALL pheedbak & comments are VALUED!

  7. Currently I'm not connected to the Internet--how can I get connected?

    If you work in an non-secure environment and currently do not have access to the Internet, there a number of avenues open for you to pursue to obtaining access. There are sections in the WebFORCE(TM) technical information pages as well as an on-line copy of the World Wide Web FAQ which can provide some "starting points" for your enquiries into this process:

    1. Getting Connected: Using Service Providers
    2. Questions To Ask When You Contact a Service Provider
    3. Hardware Connections to the Internet
    4. Partial List of US Service Providers
    5. Obtaining a List of Providers via anonymous ftp or electronic mail
    6. Setting Up a Firewall
    7. Building an Internet Firewall with information regarding firewalls, detailed references to the book, Firewalls and Internet Security, and the WebFORCE Firewall Administrator's Guide.
    8. "How can I access the web through a firewall?" for those who know that they do have such a configuration present at their own local site.
    9. Top-level issues page on Connecting to the Internet and the Web for all but one of the above links.
  8. Why don't certain buttons and pull-down menu items in the netscape browser work?

    For those people running the v6.1 CD in an environment not connected the Internet, a majority of the 2 rows of buttons and pull-down menu entries at the top of the netscape browser window will not work.

    The following buttons will fail, after a time-out possibly lasting more than one minute, if you attempt to access them; once the timeout occurs, an Error notifier window will bark you about either Unable to locate host or Unable to locate file:

    The following pull-down menu entries will fail, after a time-out of more than a minute, if you attempt to access them; once the timeout occurs one or two Error notifier windows will bark you about Warning: the following hosts are unknown:... and/or Unable to locate host

  9. Why can't I eject the toolbox CD?

    There are two places in the dtCDmgr helpfile, that discuss this situation: the first NOTE at the beginning and the Troubleshooting section at the bottom.

    This problem occurs when you have something running that was launched from CD -- or in a shell window you are currently in a directory somewhere down underneath /CDROM -- and then you go and try to eject the same CD. The maddening error message echo'd out to the shell window you ran the eject command from,

    eject: The drive is busy.
    Make sure no programs are using the drive.

    is the only sign that you are trying to do two things at once and the system can't process both. At the present time, all you can do is, make sure no program is running from an executable that lives on the CD, and, there is no shell window where, the current directory location is somewhere under /CDROM.

  10. How do I make suggestions or contributions to the toolbox?