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README file from "tracebackCode" directory

	    ~4Dgifts/toolbox/src/swtools/tracebackCode README

     Two programs are contained herein, myfile.c+traceback.c and test.c.

     These provide alternate implementations of a function which, when 
     called, prints a stack traceback of the calling program.

     They are principally useful for debugging code that has gotten
     into an 'interesting' location.  Since the functions return 
     normally, the application can continue to operate.

     myfile.c+traceback.c uses the library libexc, while the other,
     test.c, lets dbx do the work.

     /usr/include/exception.h is your best source.  There's also
     a conference proceedings paper, mentioned in traceback.c  "Optimally Profiling and Tracing Programs", 31 pages, 9/91

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