libgutil.a: Using the graphics utilities library

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Table of Contents

The following list represents the modules comprising libgutil.a
Following the list are documented notes for selected modules.
At the present time, those with some sort of "documentation" have a `+' sign to left of their entry, however ALL modules list what header files they include and what functions are exported.

For quick lookup, there is also an alphabetic listing or a listing-by-file of exported functions.

  GO  TO            GO TO Description (below in this document)
 abekas.c:     support for digital video
 acc.c:        software accumulation buffer implementation
+arg.c:        arg_parse:  command-line argument parser
 bitmap.c:     support for allocation, manipulation, & display of bitmaps
 bm.c:         simple support for bitmap reading
 brect.c:      support for drawing beveled rectangles
 brush.c:      draw geometric brushes for impression
+bufpool.c:    support for allocation/freeing of pools of buffers
 charfill.c:   creates and draws anti-aliased bitmaps of an outline font
 checkchar.c:  test a character outline for self intersections
 cmap.c:       color map support
+cmyk.c:       functions to support CMYK representations
+colormod.c:   define some transforms between different color models
+corprt3.c:    color correction support for generic corimg3 & sproof3 
+corprt4.c:    color correction for multi angle screening w/4 colors
+cyl.c:        draw cylinders through space to represent fat lines
+dispimg.c:    general package for the display of images on all machines
 dit.c:        dither pixels into 1 bit deep bits
+expr.c:       expression evaluator-converts ascii str to floating point
+fastimg.c:    faster copies between long pixel data and image files
 fax.c:        support for writing fax files
 fft.c:        simple 2-D fft support
 file.c:       miscellaneous support for files
 filepath.c:   pathname convenience package
 fileview.c:   identify+save type of each file in a file in each directory
 fit2d.c:      fit a plane to a 2D scalar function
 follow.c:     routines for manipulation of sgo format objects  
 font.c:       support for allocation, manipulation, and display of chars
 fontlib.c:    OLD fontlib--Define functions to read and write fonts. OLD
 fzoom.c:      mag/mi -nify longs array using impulse zoom w/no filtering
 gamma.c:      gamma correction support for read/writ -ing c-map entries
 gendit.c:     general support for dithering;  slow, but correct
 genmat.c:     general matrix inversion and point transformation
 genopt.c:     generic support for optimization using genetic programing
+geom.c:       a software geometry package for computer graphics
 getapixel.c:  read a pixel value from a specific screen location
 getfile.c:    file manipulation support
 getset.c:     get and set values stored in ~/.gamma
+gifread.c:    read a GIF file into memory
+gifwrite.c:   GIF Img compression interface: write in GIF format to file
+glshade.c:    simple support for describing materials and light sources
 glshapes.c:   basic euclidean shapes routines implemented in gl
+glstuff.c:    graphics library support functions
 handline.c:   human line code implementation
 hideline.c:   a hidden line algotithm
 hipass.c:     hi pass filter rows of an image using a 3x3 kernel
+hist.c:       support for histogram creation
 histgl.c:     GL support for histogram drawing
 homo2.c:      homogeneous mapping in 2 dimensions
 hypcurve.c:   create hyperbolic and power curves for correcting printers
+imgread.c:    read an image into arrays of chars or shorts
 invgamma.c:   invert arbitrary gamma look up tables
 invmap.c:     make and use inverse maps for dithering
+izoom.c:      magnify or minify a picture with or without filtering
 lut.c:        create and apply look up tables
 manifesto.c:  the manifesto of the futurist programmers
+matrix.c:     utilities for working with matrices
 mip.c:        display a mip image on the iris screen.
 mipdoc.c:     make and draw a mip document
 mipscreen.c:  support for a tiled screen data structure to draw into
+misc.c:       miscellaneous system-based functions not relying on the GL
+miscgl.c:     miscellaneous functions that rely on the gl
 model.c:      simple support for geometric modelling.
 movie.c:      file support for movie files
 mysystem.c:   alternative implementation of system
 objdraw.c:    some utilities for drawing geometric objects
 objfnt.c:     support for spline and polygonal fonts
 objlib.c:     utilities for reading and writing geometric objects
 objop.c:      some operations on geometric objects
 path.c:       creation of PostScript stroked/filled/beveled paths support 
+percent.c:    indicate percent done on time consuming operations
 perlin.c:     noise and dnoise routines
 phasecor.c:   use phase correlation to align two images
+polyscan.c:   polygon scanline rendering for characters
 printfb.c:    frame buffer support for digital printers
 propdit.c:    general propagation dither support
+psimg.c:      convert image data into b/w or color PostScript
 pstri.c:      PostScript support for drawing lines, and shaded triangles
+qquant.c:     quick quant based on heckbert's median cut algoirthm 
 quant.c:      general median cut algorithm based on heckbert's m.c.a.
 rand.c:       generate high quality randow nums (employs Berkeley random)
+rct.c:        management of rectangles
 rctgl.c:      more GL code for management of rectangles
 rendchar.c:   convert polygonal outlines into bitmaps
 render.c:     employs GL to generate high resolution rendered images
 resource.c:   make it very easy to use cursors, patterns, and bitmaps
 rgn.c:        managment of regions (area described by list of rectangles)
+row.c:        support for operations on image rows
 rpc.c:        put diff things to a stream: floats,ints,strings&newlines
 sample.c:     support for managing sample sets
+samplelongs.c: Use linear interpolation to sample arrays of longs
 setscreen.c:  PostScript style halftoning stuff
 sgiobj.c:     utilities for reading and writing sgiobj format geometry
 sgiobjgl.c:   GL support for drawing sgiobj format geometry
 shade.c:      describe materials/light sources by text files support 
 shadow.c:     make it easy to select a halftone gray pattern for shadows
 simptex.c:    VGX-compatible texture mapping support
 sptexture.c:  VGX-compatible texture mapping support
 stream.c:     autotracing support:  converts an image into lines
+subpix.c:     subpixel positioned trapazoid and line prims
 textmap.c:    use texture mapping to draw text
 texture.c:    support for software texture maps 
 tiffread.c:   read a TIFF image into memory
 tl.c:         tri list file io support
+tmeshobj.c:   support to convert an sgi obj into triangle meshes
+tomesh.c:     convert independent triangles to large triangle meshes
+track.c:      simple track ball interface
 transcor.c:   find the x/y translation to best align two images
 triang.c:     simplified interface to the trianguarization library
 tricont.c:    simplified interface to the trianguarization library
+turtle.c:     a simple implementation of turtle graphics
 type1rd.c:    read an Adobe type 1 font into objfnt data structure
 unmesh.c:     convert tmesh calls into triangles
+vcolor.c:     provide virtual rgb and grey scale support
+vcool.c:      flag "bad" rgb pixels for encoded NTSC or PAL color signal
+vect.c:       various functions to support operations on vectors
+vidcomp.c:    video compression support

Initially, this file was built as a single unit, which, when completed, weighed in at 7669 lines, 163910 characters. The janitor wanted to keep it as a single file but was convinced by others that this wood not be fair for people trying to access such a beast across a slow line. So, it now is broken up into this "Table of Contents" entry-point file, accompanied by four files comprising the "Notes" sections of the original single file. The original single file is included for completeness:

0. index0.html: The Original Single File -- Table of Contents + index[1-4].html
1. index1.html: abekas.c - fzoom.c
2. index2.html: gamma.c - misc.c
3. index3.html: miscgl.c - sample.c
4. index4.html: samplelongs.c - vidcomp.c

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Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.