Scripts Extending the Power of imgtools

Paul Haeberli - 1995

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imgscr contains scripts combining the power of different programs in
../{imgtools,pstools} to perform extended image processing operations including:



autoexp - automatically expand the contrast of an image.

bwto2 - using a B/W img, interpolate between 2 rgb colors, putting result in out.rgb.

chromablur - blur the chroma of an image.

epstogif - convert an eps file to gif format.

filmgrain - add noise to an image

flip3 - triple an image by flipping it in x.

fromjpg - convert a jpg file to .sgi format.

gifspace - make a transparent spacer image.

gleam - add a gleam to an image.

handcolor - make a hand-colored wood cut.

hipass - use a blur factor and an extrapolation value to sharpen a picture.

hsvquant - quantize an image in hue, saturation and value.

intense - uses hipass to increase hi and low frequencies.

linezoom - resize an image of B/W line art.

makespec - make an image that is a spectrum of color.

maxsat - maximize the saturation of an image.

mkgauss - make a gaussian image.

noiseblur - blur an image and then add noise to it.

nowhite - remove white from an image.

pixelvis - make an image look like pixel vision video.

rgmerge - merge two images for red-green display.

showhsv - make a 3-tiled B/W img showing the hue, saturation & value of in.rgb.

softfocus - apply soft focus and noise to an image.

splitalpha - separate an rgba image into an rgb image and a alpha image.

stripalpha - remove the alpha channel from an RGB image.

tobands - make an RGB image into 3 separate .bw images for each color channel.

Select any combo of files you'd like to send yourself a compressed tar image of. Executables/scripts are indicated with a trailing `*' character. (Depending upon the browser, it may be necessary to hold down the Ctrl key to select/deselect disjoint items.) a compressed tar image of the above-selected items.
OR, ...
a compressed tar image of the complete imgscr directory.

Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.