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README file from "sharedSV" directory

          ~4Dgifts/toolbox/src/exampleCode/inventor/sharedSV README

       SharedSV, The Shared SceneViewer by Steve Fine

    The 3D supplement to InPerson's Video Conferencing and Media board.

    First, the credits.

  1.  The entire Inventor team for giving me/us the source to the SceneViewer.
  2.  Chris Fouts for helping with some of the multicast stuff (who stole it 
      from somewhere else anyway!)
  3.  Myself, for writing C++ code with no prior knowledge and gluing all the 
      above together in a usable fashion.

    The demo IS basicaly the stock SceneViewer as far a functionality goes.  
    The added piece is as follows:  Anything saved by using the menu choice
    file->save-environment, is broadcast, using multi-cast, over the net.  
    Any other SharedSV that is running, will pick up the packets and do the 
    equivalent of file->read-environment.  So, What does all this mean? you 

    If you start up two SharedSVs on a network with the same input file, 
    they will be "linked."  If one changes the view or adds a light, the 
    other will follow.  There is no master, so if both move the mouse at 
    the same time, they will change their own view, but the last one to 
    let go is the winner!  

    The demo is not limited to 2, you can run as many as you want.  Just 
    remember it uses multi-cast, and is limited in the same network 
    topology as is an InPerson session.  If the shared shelf is working in 
    InPerson, you can put a copy of an inventor file on the shelf, and 
    have people drag it on top of the SharedSV icon.  

    Network usage is pretty low.  The individual packets are around 400 
    bytes each, and I only transmit if something is moving or changed.  I 
    check the network on the recieving side every .25 seconds.  You can 
    cause a flurry of output packets but in the overall scheme of InPerson 
    and normal network traffic, it doesn't seem to make much difference.

    That is about all there is to it.  If you have any questions, just email 

Files of interest from "src/exampleCode/inventor/sharedSV" directory





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