ivindtri - A tesselation utility for Inventor scene graphs

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ivindtri tesselates all of the shape nodes into SoFaceSet's composed of independent triangles. The user can then rely on ivquicken to glom as many of the triangles into strips as possible.

IndependentTriAction, the tesselation class is structured much like a class derived from SoAction. It is not however, since IndependentTriAction uses other actions (ie SoCallbackAction) that would interfere with the traversal state maintained by the SoAction class. Since the usage is the same, this should amount to a semantic issue only.

At the heart of IndependentTriAction is the SoCallbackAction::addTriangleCallback method. I also instrument the source scene graph before and after each shape node with callbacks that allow me to attach the new coordinates and normals to the triangles. I name the new nodes to make deleting the old shapes, normals, and coordinate nodes easy. After I process all shapes in the graphs, I pare these out based on the name of these nodes.

Although this program will work for all types of shapes, it doesn't make a lot of sense to use it on shapes that already have efficient representations. What I have observed is that the only shape that is so slow to render as to demand tesselation is the SoNurbsSurface class. The speedup for NURBS-infested scene graphs is at least a factor of two or three at our current release level (Irix 5.2 and Inventor 2.0). The tradeoff is that storing the triangles will grow the resulting files by a factor of several. This will directly affect loading time, and of course exhaust more of your memory resources while viewing. Probably less of a concern than raw rendering speed, but fair to mention nonetheless.

Caveats -

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