Automated Presentation of directory src/exampleCode/games/

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README file from "games" directory

              ~4Dgifts/toolbox/src/exampleCode/games README

        contains source code for different game software the newest of 
	which includes IndiZone game additions.

    `!' indicates new or updated as of version 4.2

 !     IndiZone   :  source+data+doc for 7 IndiZone games 

       buzzwordBingo:  pretend you work at SGI--or modify this to reflect
		      where you *do*:  create bingo games to take to 
                     meetings where buzzword corpse phraseology is in
		     great yawning abundance...

       cubetris   :  a 3D IRIS GL tetris game.

       seahaven   :  pure Xlib C++ graphical solitare card playing game.

Files of interest from "src/exampleCode/games" directory




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OR, ...
a compressed tar image of the entire games directory.

Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.