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README file from "XtAppInitwIcon" directory

           ~4Dgifts/toolbox/src/exampleCode/X/XtAppInitwIcon README

    /* XtAppInitializeWithIcon DESCRIPTION                             */
    /* Date:		Mon Jul 12 11:56:51 1993		       */
    /* Author:		Chris Carlson	    			       */
    This directory contains the source code to a function that is the same
    as XtAppInitialize except that it allows the application an
    opportunity to generate an icon window for the top-level shell that is
    a visual other than the default 2-color visual.  According to the
    documentation for creating icon windows, it must have the same visual
    type as the root window.
    Currently, this has only been tested to work under IRIX 4.0.5.
    To make everything, including the testicon program, enter the
    following command:
    	make testicon
    To make just the XtAppInitializeWithIcon function, enter the following
    	Widget XtAppInitializeWithIcon (XtAppContext	 *context,
    					String		 class,
    					XrmOptionDescRec *options,
    					Cardinal	 num_options,
    					Cardinal	 *argc,
    					String		 *argv,
    					String		 *fallback,
    					ArgList		 args,
    					Cardinal	 num_args,
    					makeIcon	 func_name);
    	Window (*makeIcon) (Display  *dpy,
    			    Cardinal *argc,
    			    String   *argv);
    		All of the parameters are identical to the
    		XtAppInitialize function except 'func_name'.  This is
    		a pointer to a function which will be called at the
    		appropriate time in the initialization process to
    		create the icon window.
    		This is a function provided by the application to
    		create the icon window.
    	    dpy	    Display returned by XtOpenDisplay.
    	    argc    The same argc value provided by the application
    		    to XtAppInitializeWithIcon.
    	    argv    The same argv value provided by the application
    	    	    to XtAppInitializeWithIcon.
    	    Return value:
    		Window ID of window created to be the icon.
    The testicon program that is also provided demonstrates how to use
    this new function.  When compiled, the program can be made to print
    various debug information by setting bit patterns in the DEBUG symbol.
    These bits can be OR'd together to enable multiple debug output.
    	-----	------------
    	0x0001	Print window IDs that are created.
    	0x0002	Print events that are sent to the icon window.
    	0x0004	Print information about colors allocated.
    	0x0008	Print information about the sizes of icons that are
    		available from the window manager.
    Basically, all the testicon program does is create a simple window
    with a label widget in it.  It serves no purpose except to create an
    icon window that is using the same visual as the root window.
    When this simple window is lowered to an icon, the icon should appear
    as a blue background with a yellow box in it.  This proves that the
    icon window is using a color visual.
    If the program was compiled with (DEBUG & 2) != 0, then all events
    that are sent to the icon will be printed to stdout.  This can be
    useful in finding out what events need to be processed and which are
    actually available to the icon window for the application to process.
    1. One thought would be to make the function actually create the
       window for the application.  The problem with this is that there
       are a number of variables that need to be considered when creating
       the icon window that the application needs to decide on.  For
       example, the icon size, window attributes, events to process and
       background color.  This might be resolved with suggestion #2 below.
    2. Have the icon window be a widget and have XtAppInitializeWithIcon
       return a widget through one of the passed parameters.  Then the
       specifics can be set through resources.

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