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README file from "dials+buttons" directory

    Explanation of ~4Dgifts/toolbox/src/exampleCode/GLX/dials+buttons dir

    dnbglx is a GL-Xlib mixed model imitation of the Dial & Button Box
    Confidence Test which lives in the "System" Toolchest.

    At the present time, the the functionality of the GL routine 
    SETVALUATOR(3G) (assign an initial value *and* range to a valuator) is
    not currently implemented in any X input extension from MIT.  Hence, 
    in this mixed-model imitation of the pure GL dial and buttons 
    confidence test, the dial valuator's are NOT constrained in their range 
    to only [0..1023].  This is the only known discrepancy between this 
    program and the original.  (There is a proposal to add this extension 
    currently being debated but it is not finalized yet.)

    Be sure to also consult the ~4Dgifts/examples/GLX subtree for other
    mixed model examples:  "gl-Xlib" houses unadulterated "stone knives and 
    bearskins" GL-Xlib examples, and "glxwidget" is a subtree containing 
    source for the GlxDraw and GlxMDraw widget (draws GL inside of an 
    Xt-based program), as well as demos implementing these widgets in a
    Motif and Athena widget context.

Files of interest from "src/exampleCode/GLX/dials+buttons" directory




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