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README file from "DBglxwidgetOpenGL" directory

/* Date:	01-03-94 						     */
/* Authors:	Ed Millard	                                             */
/*              Chris Carlson				                     */
/*              Michael Gold				                     */
/*              Glenn Shute				                     */

This directory contains source for another new version of the SGI GLX mixed
mode Xt widget (GlxDraw) and the GLX mixed mode Motif widget
(GlxMDraw).  The Motif widget is identical to the Xt version except
with the addition of the Primitive base class and the Motif interface.
These widgets, like their predecessor GlxDraw and GlxMDraw widgets,
allows the use of GL within X windows with Xt and Motif applications.
This new version has now been ported to OpenGL as well.  Compile
options select GL or OpenGL versions of the widget and the overlay test 

This version also allows switching between single and double buffering
in the GL window by using XtSetValues.  Its intent is to reduce the
application programming required to use single and double buffer in a
mixed mode application.

The OpenGL version has not been extensively tested but appears basically
functional on:


There are known problems with the OpenGL version on RealityEngine.  This
is being investigated.

Use at your own risk, but I would be interested in hearing
suggestions and complaints.  Send these to:

Some work has been done to add support for a switch to stereo mode
inside the widget.  This is not implemented under GL and is not working
under OpenGL yet (hopefully optional stereo support will be added in the
next release of this widget.  OpenGL stereo in the widget depends on stereo
support in OpenGL which is not available for the most part yet).


These widgets should work under:

    X11R4    Motif 1.1    IRIX 4.0.x
    X11R5    Motif 1.2    IRIX 5.x

The OpenGL version will only work on IRIX 5.1+ on platforms which support


Run make in this directory to rebuild the library libsgiw.a,
containing both the GlxDraw and GlxMDraw widgets.

By default the flag -DUSE_GL is set so you will get the GL version of
the widget.   There are option lines in the Makefile to switch to the
OpenGL version.  You need to comment out two lines and uncomment the other
two lines to switch between GL and OpenGL.


To use this new widget you must include the "GlxDraw.h" (or
"GlxMDraw.h" for Motif) from this directory and not the one in

You must link with GlxDraw.o or GlxMDraw.o (for Xt version or Motif
version respectively) or the libsgiw.a library from this directory
instead of libXirisw.a. 

The objects or the archive should be placed ahead of IRIX archives
or DSO's like -lGL or -lgl.  In particular on IRIX 5 -lGL or
-lgl may pull in /usr/lib/Xirisw if they are referenced before
GlxDraw.o, GlxMDraw.o or libsgiw.a.


The example code below is provided to demonstrate how to create a
Motif GL widget.  Similar code can be used to create the Xt version.

GLXconfig structure in GL:
The first step in creating a mixed-model widget is creating a
GLXconfig structure describing the type of GL window you need.  This
structure should describe the normal window and any overlay, underlay
or popup windows that will be required.

NOTE: When requesting both double and single buffering, you MUST
request a single buffered window in the GLXconfig structure.  Since
the double buffered window will be a child of the single buffered
window, it is important that the parent have more bitplanes than the

Here is an example of defining a GLXconfig structure for GL:

	static GLXconfig glxConfig [] = {
		{ 0, 0, 0 }

This GLXconfig structure requests a single buffered window, running in
colormap mode with an overlay window having a depth of 2.

GLXconfig in OpenGL:

For OpenGL you should specify and attribute lists like these:

static int glxConfig[] = {
static int glxConfigOverlay[] = {
    GLX_LEVEL, 1,

These are documented in the man page for glXChooseVisual. 

glxConfigOverlay is required if you want an overlay window.  If its not
specified you wont get an overlay window.

Setting resources in GL:
The following code excerpt shows how to request a GLX widget that is
single buffered (default window), colormapped and has overlay planes.
It also enables the double buffered window.  It assumes the GLXconfig
structure shown above.

	n = 0;
	XtSetArg (args[n], GlxNglxConfig, glxConfig); n++;
	XtSetArg (args[n], GlxNuseOverlay, TRUE); n++;
	XtSetArg (args[n], GlxNprovideSingleBuffer, TRUE); n++;
	glw = XtCreateManagedWidget("glwidget", glxMDrawWidgetClass,
                                    frame, args, n);

The first resource defines the GLXconfig structure to use.  The second
resource requests the overlay planes.  The third resource indicates we
also want the double buffered window.

Setting resources in OpenGL:

For OpenGL the procedure is similar but slightly different.

   XtSetArg(args[n], GlxNglxConfig, glxConfig); n++;
   XtSetArg(args[n], GlxNoverlayGlxConfig, glxConfigOverlay); n++;
   glw = XtCreateManagedWidget("glwidget", glxMDrawWidgetClass,
                                    frame, args, n);

The main difference here is that GlxNuseOverlay is no longer used.
You need to specify an attribute list for the overlay buffer.  If an
attribute list is specified an overlay buffer will be provided.  If there
is no attribute list there will be no overlay.

Switching single/double buffering:
To switch to double buffer mode:

	    n = 0;
            XtSetArg (args[n], GlxNsingleBuffer, FALSE); n++;
            XtSetValues (w, args, n);

To switch to single buffer mode:

	    n = 0;
            XtSetArg (args[n], GlxNsingleBuffer, TRUE); n++;
            XtSetValues (w, args, n);


The program overlay.c is a modification of the program overlay.c provided
in 4Dgifts.  If the symbol USE_NEW_WIDGET is not defined, it should
work exactly like overlay.c.  With the symbol defined, the mouse
buttons work as follows:

	Left	- Move the car in the main window
	Middle	- Selects single buffering
	Right	- Selects double buffering

The house is in the overlay planes.  The car is drawn in the normal
planes and will flicker in single buffer mode.


When switching from one buffering mode to the other, much of the GL
context set up in the old window is saved and restored into the new
window.  (Lighting, materials and textures must be done by the
application.)  It would be nice to be able to have a resource that
indicates when this operation must be done so it isn't done every

When switching from one buffering mode to the other OpenGL only these
part sof the context are copied between the old and new context:

    GL_MODELVIEW    Matrix
    GL_PROJECTION   Matrix

This is considerable less info between copied in the GL version of the
widget.  Feedback is desired on what should and shouldn't be copied
between contexts when switching.  Or you can easily change the stuff you
want to copy by modifing SetNewWindow in GlxDraw.c.

If an overlay is present these are copied between the Overlay contexts

You will be in GL_MODELVIEW after a switch


None known at this time.


At present I'm generating a resize callback for each set of windows so
that the app can resize the viewport, for instance.  However you won't
get an expose/redraw on the inactive window.

Two window implementation
This implementation uses two different windows for single and double
buffering.  If auxiliary windows are used (i.e.  overlays, popups)
they will also be duplicated, with a set parented off the double
buffer window and another set off the single buffer window.

When a buffering mode switch occurs the core X window in the widget is
swapped.  This is done so that event handlers transparently switch to
the new GL window.  The only way to get around this switch is to
figure out a portable way to switch buffering modes within one window
which hasn't worked out yet.

This core window switch may cause problems in the following areas:

1.	If you get and save the core X window and try to use it when
	it is not active.  Using XtWindow will always return the
	correct core window and is highly recommended.

2.	This implementation hasn't been tested with X children
	attached to the GLX widget.  I don't think this is common
	practice since windows are usually parented off of the window
	above the GLX widget.  When time permits I will work on
	reparenting children so this will work.

The resource GlxNoverrideColormap controls the behavior of installing
colormaps at instantiation time.  It is rather confusing how it works,
though it works the same for this widget as for the standard GlxDraw
and GlxMDraw widgets.

By default GlxNoverrideColormap is set to TRUE.  This means that the
colormap provided in the GLXconfig structure (returned when the widget
calls GLXgetconfig) will override the default colormap (which is
usually from the parent).

If the application wants to provide its own colormap at instantiation
time, it must set XtNcolormap to this colormap and set
GlxNoverrideColormap to FALSE.

When creating the single and double buffered widget, the application
must also set the colormap for GlxNaltColormap, which will be used for
the secondary window.

HINTS:  If the application wants to use their own colormaps, it is
usually desireable to find out what visuals will be assigned when the
widget is realized.  The application can find this out by calling
GLXgetconfig itself.  GLXgetconfig does nothing but build a table
which is returned to the application with all the values filled in,
rather than just the ones specified by the application.  This table
can be scanned for buffer=GLX_NORMAL and mode=GLX_COLORMAP to find out
the colormap that will be assigned and buffer=GLX_NORMAL and
mode=GLX_VISUAL to find out the visual that will be assigned.  By
changing the value of buffer=GLX_NORMAL and mode=GLX_DOUBLE, the same
information can be determined for the secondary window.


The following lists and describes the new resources provided with this
new version of the GLX widget:

	Class = GlxCProvideSingleBuffer
	Type  = XtRBoolean

    This resource is used only on instantiation of the widget.  It
    indicates whether both a double buffered and single buffered
    window are required.

    WARNING: If set to TRUE, be sure that the GLXconfig structure
    requests a single buffered window.  Also, see the description
    for GlxNaltColormap below.

	Class = GlxCWindow
	Type  = XtRWindow

    This resource is filled with the window ID of the primary window.

	Class = GlxCSingleBuffer
	Type  = XtRBoolean

    This resource identifies which window is currently mapped.  If
    TRUE, the single buffered window is mapped.  It is also used to
    set which window is to be mapped, using XtSetValues.

	Class = GlxCColormap
	Type  = XtRColormap

    This resource contains the colormap of the secondary window.
    After instantiating the widget, it will be filled with the
    colormap.  If the application wants to set the colormap for the
    secondary window, this needs to be set to the colormap ID for the
    secondary window.

    WARNING: To have this entry paid attention to, the resource
    GlxNoverrideColormap must be set to FALSE (default is TRUE).  If
    this is done, the core colormap (XtNcolormap) must also be set
    with a colormap for the primary window.

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