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README file from "3Dmodeling" directory


      This directory contains sources and an some example programs for
      Modeler's Little Helper -- routines to help build solid models.
      The source code for the library includes the files:
      	curve.c -- analytic curves
      	surface.c -- analytic parametric surfaces
      	pwlin.c -- piecewise-linear curves
      	smooth.c -- smooth solids
      	solids.c -- basic solids
      	vect3d.c -- 3D vector operators
      	xform.c -- linear warping code
      The documentation for the library is in the file:
      The "make" command makes lib3d.a plus three example programs --
      "example", "track", and "liss".  "example" shows the variety of 3D
      models that Modeler's Little Helper can support, "track" shows an
      analytic parametric 3D surface, and "liss" makes some interesting 
      3D lissajous figures on the surface of the sphere.
      All the examples use a trackball interface that is similar to the 
      one used in Showcase (in fact, the code is a slightly improved 
      version of the Showcase code).  Use the left mouse button to 
      manipulate the models in all the example programs.
      -- Tom Davis (

Files of interest from "src/exampleCode/3Dmodeling" directory




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