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Please be aware: what appears below are the v4.2 DT bits in auto-generated html form.
As we have the time, we will update these to reflect the current "state of the world".

PLEEZE NOTE: THE OpenGL subtree has been updated since v4.2

README file from "demos" directory

                 ~4Dgifts/toolbox/src/demos README

    [i] == IrisGL-based programs
    [o] == OpenGL-based programs
    [glx] == Irix 4 GLX mixed-model-based programs

This subtree contains 47 selected demo's source code for:

audio:  4 Programs using/highlighting audio capabilites:
[i]   amesh     - real-time spectrum analysis of an audio input (in C++)
      ameshC    - "straight C" language version of amesh
      bz        - battlezone blow-'em-up demo with audio hooks n' cues
      drive     - inspired "clyde crashcop" driver environment
      synthia   - demo using midi sound files

IrisGL:  16 General IRIS Graphics Library stuff that will work on virtually
[i]      all IRIS machines:
     atlantis  - whales, dolphins, sharks swimming in the ocean.
     bounce    - shows off lighting/local light sources
     buttonfly - graphical interface to run a program on ALL machines
     closeup   - image magnifier with x & y zoom
     curve     - shows wireframe curves, CI depthcueing, font manager
     demograph - shows well, even on 8-bit machs (RGB lighting where poss)
     dragon    - good dithering code is hidden in this demo
     flight    - the classic revisited, all versions now in single program 
     flip      - shows multiple light sources, materials, and models
     ideas     - real-time animation with moving lights
     logo      - simple example of GL lighting and matrix transformations
     newave    - draws wirefrm, CI, flat, smooth, anti-alias, depthQ'd
     newton    - a real-time simulation of an elastic body such as Jello
     rotimg    - draws triangle meshes that can be rotated in 3D
     snoop     - screen magnifier, real-time reporting under the mouse
     snurb     - good examp of simple NURBS surfaces drawing

OpenGL:  14 OpenGL-based programs:
---> THE OpenGL subtree HAS been updated since v4.2.
[o]  atlantis  - sharks/whales/dolphins--lighting, animation, texture-map
     backtrace - simulates caustics like those in reverse ray tracing
     drip      - makes droplets of color -- 2D graphics/blending fxns
     fadeflip  - flips a texture-mapped square around -- texture-mapping
     globe     - texture-mapped 3D globe, rendered w/Open Inventor
     glutduck  - draw duck pond-swimming, rendered w/Open Inventor
     ideas     - Ideas in Motion ported -- stippling, lighting, animation
     insect    - straight-ahead OpenGL port of thant-gaud's inspiration
     lorenz    - ride on/near particles caught in a Lorenz attractor
     puzzle    - move pieces in the proper order to solve the puzzle
     space     - simulation of the Solar System and Milky Way galaxy
     stonehenge - shadows, textures and atmospheric effects
     tex_cube  - small texture-mapping demo of a translucent sphere
     walker    - simple forward kinetics animation system

REALITY:  4 REALITY ENGINE-specific programs:
[i]  atom      - MULTI-SAMPLING & in-the-window stereo viewing
     distort   - computational dynams textures/real-time texture mesh geom
     fastshadows - real-time shadows using texture mapping
     weather   - GE hdw real-time convolution filters (including libil)

VGX:  4 Specific higher-end graphics implementations:
[i]  blob      - shows off texture mapping
     envmap    - environment map a spin object in real-time.
     morph     - demo showing real-time morphing (image transformation)
     shadows   - demos showing display of true shadows in real-time

video:  5 galileo.sw.demos programs using VL+motif, or VL+IrisGL, for
[glx]   Galileo, Indigo 2 Video, and Indy Video platforms:
     bigvideoin - simple app showing a zoomed-up videoin window
     specialfx - chroma/luma keying, wipes & fades, blends &/| switches
     trails    - sets up a feedback loop to see trailing effects
     vidpaint  - captures video into memory and draws frames into a window
     vidtmesh  - captures video into memory and places frames onto a 3D
                 tmesh grid, which can then be manipulated in space

Files of interest from "src/demos" directory




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Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.