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README file from "lorenz" directory

                            Lorenz Attractor Demo

Adapted from code originally written for the 4D60GT by Aaron T. Ferrucci
(, 7/3/92.

This program shows some particles stuck in a Lorenz attractor (the parameters
used are r=28, b=8/3, sigma=10). The eye is attracted to the red particle, with
a force directly proportionate to distance. A command line puts the whole mess
inside a box made of hexagons. I think this helps to maintain the illusion of 3
dimensions, but it can slow things down. Other options allow you to play with
the redraw rate and the number of new lines per redraw. So you can customize it
to the speed of your machine.

For general info on Lorenz attractors I recommend "An Introduction to the
Lorenz Equations", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, August '83.

Bugs: hidden surface removal doesn't apply to hexagons, and works poorly on
lines when they are too close together.

Files of interest from "src/demos/OpenGL/lorenz" directory




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