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README file from "flight" directory

                   ~4Dgifts/src/demos/GL/flight README

     This is the current incarnation of the classic SGI demo.  It has been
     cleaned up, combined into one single version and swankified in a big 
     way by Rob "Mr. Flight" Mace.  

     In order for execution of flight/dog/radar/shadow to work in this 
     local directory, each program must either be invoked on the command
     line proceeded by "-D defs", or else run the appropriate
     file where this inclusion of "-D defs" is already specified.  This
     -D options tells the program where the data definition files exist.


     In order for flight/dog/radar/shadow to compile on IRIS 4D machines 
     running < 4.0.5G, the -DNO_MS flag must be specified so the 
     multisample buffer is not enabled or accessed.  If -DNO_MS is not
     included in the LCDEFS line of the Makefile and you tried to compile
     on Irix earlier than 4.0.5G, you would generate the following errors:

ccom: Error: land1.c, line 105: GD_MULTISAMPLE undefined
	if (getgdesc(GD_MULTISAMPLE) > 0)
ccom: Error: land1.c, line 128: GD_MULTISAMPLE undefined
	if (getgdesc(GD_MULTISAMPLE) > 0)
ccom: Error: land1.c, line 129: GC_MS_SAMPLES undefined
	    ms_samples = getgconfig(GC_MS_SAMPLES);

     However, for all running >= 4.0.5G Irix, you will most definitely want
     to remove the "-DNO_MS" flag from the LCDEFS line:


     so that only -DAUDIO is defined:


     and then do a "make clobber; make"

     IF one is atttempting to re-compile flight on IRIX 5.2 and finding the 
     compiler is barking about not finding "AL_MONO", "AL_STEREO", and 
     "AL_SAMPLE_8", you do not have the subsystem 
     loaded.  If it is not possible to get/load this product/subsystem you
     will have to revert to compiling withOUT audio by changing the line



     in the Makefile.

     Also, be aware that all of the files included in libgobj.a--draw.c, 
     gobj.h, light.c, modify.c, read.c, write.c--exist in the ../libgobj
     directory and not here where the flight source resides.

     The detail-inclined will notice "dog", "radar" and "shadow" are all 
     links to the flight executable.  These programs, when invoked as 
     their own name for argv to recognize, will run as expected.  This is 
     another one of the swank new features to this single version of 

Newsgroups: comp.sys.sgi.misc
Subject: Re: New Flight Simulator?
Date: 15 Mar 1994 21:58:49 GMT
Lines: 46
Distribution: usa

: : I love the flight simulator on the SGI's, but the only thing is that 
: : there aren't many here to fly against. I saw a newer flight simulator,
: : on a Crimson, that had jets you could chase down and shoot. Does 
: : anyone know about the new flight simulator? 

You can fight yourself in the flight simulator if you want.

Try this:	
		start simulator at command line and give it
		an output file name: /usr/demos/bin/dog -o dog1.dat
		Fly around for a while. Shoot bullets. Dive bomb
		the airport. Then crash into a hill. Exit this game.

		start simulator again thusly:
			/usr/demos/bin/dog -i dog1.dat -o dog2.dat

		You will now see your previous flight taking off
		in front of you. Follow yourself into the sky.
		Lock in. Fire sidewinder. Blow your sorry ass 
		out of the sky (as we like to say around here).
		Kill that game and try:
			/usr/demos/bin/dog -i dog2.dat -o dog3.dat
		You'll now have the previous two flights to kill.
		And then dog3.dat will have 3 flights. And so on.
		Send up a squadron of 747's and play god.

		Your life should now be measurably less productive.

Files of interest from "src/demos/GL/flight" directory





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OR, ...
a compressed tar image of the entire flight directory.

Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.