Automated Presentation of directory src/apps/cmapDoctor/

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README file from "cmapDoctor" directory

                 ~4Dgifts/toolbox/src/apps/cmapDoctor README

	cmapdoctor and cmapview are both utility programs used for
        scanning/viewing of X colormaps and visuals including overlays,
        underlays, and popups.  You can use these utilities to diagnose/
	debug/verify colormaps and their contents in applications that use
        multiple colormaps and visuals.

	cmapview:   early version of the utility done in pure X11
	cmapdoctor: is the fancier version of the utility with a 
		    much more useful user interface.
		    This snazzoriffic GUI was built using Viewkit UI
		    component library and the Builder Xcessrory ViewKit
 		    UI builder.

Files of interest from "src/apps/cmapDoctor" directory




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OR, ...
a compressed tar image of the entire cmapDoctor directory.

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