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Types of Interprocess Communication Available

IRIX supports IPC mechanisms of the types shown in Table 2-1.

Types of IPC and Available Implementations
Type of IPCPurposeImplementations
Shared memoryA way to create a segment of memory that is mapped into the address space of two or more processes, each of which can access and alter the memory contentsSVR4, IRIX
SemaphoresThe traditional mechanism for coordinating access to a shared resource, by which concurrent processes ensure mutually exclusive use of memory when necessarySVR4, IRIX
LocksA mechanism for mutual exclusion that is less general than the semaphore but that has less overheadIRIX
BarriersA mechanism for ensuring that all processes are ready before any of them proceedIRIX
Message QueuesA set of functions by which processes can exchange messagesSVR4
SocketsVirtual data connections between processes that may be in different systemsBSD

These IPC features are available in different implementations:

Use System V IPC functions for code that must comply with the MIPS ABI, code that needs to be portable, or code that you're porting from another System V operating system. Use IRIX arena-based IPC for applications that require speed, ease of implementation, or multiprocessing ability. Socket-based IPC is necessary only for code being ported from or to a BSD system, and for network IPC.

This chapter describes the available types of System V and IRIX IPC, and provides examples of each.

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