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Input Methods (IMs)

Input methods (IMs) are ways to translate keyboard-input events into text strings. You would use a different input method, for instance, to type on a USA keyboard in Chinese than to type on the same keyboard in English. Nobody would build a keyboard suitable for direct input of the tens of thousands of distinct Chinese characters.

IMs come in two flavors, front-end and back-end. Both types can use identical application programming interfaces, so you lose no generality by using back-end methods for our examples here.

To use an IM, follow these steps:

  1. Open the IM.

  2. Find out what the IM can do.

  3. Agree upon capabilities to use.

  4. Create input contexts with preferences and window(s) specified (see "Input Contexts (ICs)").

  5. Set the input context focus.

  6. Process events.
Although all applications go through the same setup when establishing input methods, the results can vary widely. In a Japanese locale, you might end up with networked communications with an input method server and a kanji translation server, with circuitous paths for Key events. But in a Swiss locale for example, it is likely that nothing would occur besides a flag or two being set in Xlib. Since operating in non-Asian locales ends up bypassing almost all of the things that might make input methods expensive, Western users are not noticeably penalized for using Asia-ready applications.

Opening an Input Method

XOpenIM() opens an input method appropriate for the locale and modifiers in effect when it is called (see the XOpenIM(3X11) reference page). The locale is bound to that IM and cannot be changed. (But you could open another IM if you wanted to switch later.) Strings returned by XmbLookupString() and XwcLookupString() are encoded in the locale that was current when the IM was opened, regardless of current input context.

The syntax is

XIM XOpenIM(Display *dpy, XrmDataBase db, char *res_name,
            char *res_class);
The res_name is the resource name of the application, res_class is the resource class, and db is the resource database that the input method should use for looking up resources private to itself. Any of these can be NULL. The fragment in Example 6-7 shows how easy it is to open an input method.

Example 6-7 : Opening an IM

XIM im;
im = XOpenIM(dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (im == NULL)
XOpenIM() finds the IM appropriate for the current locale. If XSupportsLocale() has returned good status (see "Initialization for Xlib Programming") and XOpenIM() fails, something is amiss with the administration of the system.

XSetLocaleModifiers() determines configure locale modifiers. The local host X locale modifiers announcer (the XMODIFIERS environment variable) is appended to the modifier list to provide default values on the locale host. The modifier list argument is a null-terminated string containing zero or more concatenated expressions of this form:

For example, if you want to connect Input Method Server xwnmo, set modifiers _XWNMO as follows:


Or, set environment variable XMODIFIERS to the string @im=_XWNMO and execute


Note: The library routines are not prepared for the possibility of XSupportsLocale() succeeding and XOpenIM() failing, so it's up to application developers to deal with such an eventuality. (This circumstance could occur, for example, if the IM died after XSupportsLocale() was called.) This topic is under some debate in the MIT X consortium. If XSetLocaleModifiers() is wrong, XOpenIM() will fail. Most of the complexity associated with IM use comes from configuring an input context to work with the IM. Input contexts are discussed in "Input Contexts (ICs)".

To close an input method, call XCloseIM().

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