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Internationalization Support in X11R6

X11R6 internationalization support is provided on the X client side; that is, the application must take care of such support instead of relying on the X server. No server changes are necessary, and the protocol is unchanged. Full backward compatibility is preserved, so a new internationalized application can run on an old server.

Note: X11R6 internationalization refers to features in X11R5 and X11R6. X uses existing internationalization standards to do its internationalization support; there are no X-specific interfaces to set and change locale. Internationalized X applications receive no help from X when attempting multilingual support. No locales or special process states are peculiar to X.

This section covers the following topics:

Limitations of X11R6 in Supporting Internationalization
Resource Names
Getting X Internationalization Started
Text Rendering Routines
New Text Extents Functions

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