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Eight-Bit Cleanliness

A program is 8-bit clean if it does not use the high bit of any data byte to convey special information. ASCII characters are specified by the low seven bits of a byte, so some programs use the high bit of a data byte as a flag; such programs are not 8-bit clean. Internationalized programs must be 8-bit clean, because they cannot expect data to be in the form of ASCII bytes; non-ASCII character sets usually use all eight bits of each byte to specify the character. But a program must go out of its way to manipulate bytes based on the value of the high bit, and since changing data without cause is seldom desirable, most programs are already 8-bit clean.

The old csh (before this problem was fixed in the IRIX 5.0 release) was a good example of a program that was not 8-bit clean; it used the high bit in input strings to distinguish aliases from unaliased commands. An effect of this misuse was that csh stripped the eighth bit from all characters. For example, the user command

echo I know an architect named MaƱosa

Produced the response

I know an architect named Maqosa

Another example is the specification of Internet messages, which calls for 7-bit data. Thus, if sendmail fails to strip the 8th bit from a character prior to sending it, it violates a protocol; if it does strip the bit, it could garble a non-ASCII message (this protocol problem is being addressed).

One of the simplest things to do to remove the American bias from a program is to replace the ASCII assumption with the assumption that the Latin 1 codeset will be used. This approach is not true internationalization, but it can make the application usable in most of Western Europe. Latin 1 uses only one byte per character, unlike some other codesets, so 8-bit clean ASCII software should work without modification using the Latin 1 codeset.

Ensuring that code is 8-bit clean is the single most important aspect of internationalizing software.

Another caveat about 8-bit characters applies only to a particular set of circumstances: If you are not using a multibyte character type (see the next section), you should not declare characters as type signed char. (The default in IRIX C is for char to imply unsigned char.) If you try to cast a signed char to an int (as you must do to use the ctype() functions) and the character's high bit is set (as it may be in an 8-bit character set), the high bit is interpreted as a sign bit and extends into the full width of the int.

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