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IRIS Performer

IRIS Performer is a software development environment layered above the IRIS Graphics Library (IRIS GL). It provides high-level support for visual simulation, interactive entertainment, virtual reality, and graphics-intensive tasks. Applications that require real-time visuals and high-performance rendering benefit from using IRIS Performer.

The main components of IRIS Performer are the two libraries libpr and libpf.

Figure 6-6 shows the relationship between the IRIS Performer libraries and the IRIX system software.

Figure 6-6 : IRIS Performer Library Hierarchy You can choose the IRIS Performer libraries that best suit your needs. You may want to build your own toolkits on top of libpr, the low-level, high-performance library, or you may choose to take advantage of the visual simulation environment that libpf provides. Note that functions from libpf make calls to libpr functions so you don't necessarily have to use the libpr functions directly.

IRIS Performer doesn't define a file format; it imports files from many standard database formats at run time. Some of the database formats supported by IRIS Performer are shown in Table 6-1.

Database Formats Supported by Performer
Format NameDescription
BINSilicon Graphics format
DWBDesigner's Workbench format
DXFAutoCAD" format
FLTMultiGen(TM) FLIGHT format
IVInventor format
OBJWavefront Technologies Model format

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