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IRIS Graphics Library

The IRIS Graphics Library (IRIS GL) is a library of subroutines for creating 2D and 3D color graphics and animation.

Here are some of the things IRIS GL allows you to do:

IRIS GL is a predecessor of OpenGL, the industry standard for graphics applications. Silicon Graphics' application libraries that were originally built on IRIS GL are moving to the OpenGL standard. Figure 6-5 shows relationship of an application to IRIX GL and to the ImageVision Library and IRIS Performer, the libraries currently built on IRIS GL.

Figure 6-5 : IRIS GL in the Developer Environment

Note: You should never reference both IRIS GL and OpenGL in a single application. This means you should not use a higher-level library based on OpenGL (for example, Open Inventor) in the same application in which you use a library based on IRIS GL (for example, the ImageVision Library).

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