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Compiler Drivers

A compiler driver is a program that prepares your application for execution by calling subsystems that compile the source into object code, and then linking together object files, default libraries, and any other libraries you specify. Here are some of the compiler drivers Silicon Graphics provides and the programming language each supports

Compiler Drivers and Source Languages
Compiler Driver NameSource Language

When you invoke a compiler driver, specify the name of one or more source files and, optionally, one or more of the compiler driver options. The compiler drivers share a common set of options, although a few options are unique to a single driver or have different meanings for each driver. For example, the -c option suppresses the linker step for all drivers, while the -C option has one meaning for C and another for Pascal and Fortran. You can use compiler driver options to control these functions:

Read the MIPS Compiling and Performance Tuning Guide for more information about compiler drivers. The reference page for each driver contains detailed information about command options for that driver.

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