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Resolving Different Types of Conflicts

The different types of conflicts discussed here are:

Pre-Existing Conflicts

Unresolved product dependencies and incompatible installed products may already exists on the target before the current Inst session. These conflicts are known as pre-existing conflicts. For example, the following conflict shows an installed product that depends on another product that is not installed.

- Existing Conflict -
swmgr.sw.eoe is installed but is missing prerequisites:
1a. Also remove swmgr.sw.eoe (1021391900)
1b. Install eoe.sw.unix (1010852020 - 2147483647)

Normally, these conflicts are not visible. If they are, you have three options.

  1. Resolve the conflicts by using the procedures in "Step 6: Resolving Conflicts and Other Errors".

  2. Choose to ignore pre-existing conflicts by setting the resource show_existing_conflicts to false, and marking something for removal or installation to force a recalculation of the installation rules. Because show_existing_conflicts is a permanent resource, this ignores pre-existing conflicts for future installations as well.

    Inst> set show_existing_conflicts false

    Inst> remove prod1

    Inst> go

  3. Choose to ignore conflicts for this installation session. Refer to "Overriding Conflicts".

Required Product Conflict

Required product conflicts occur when a required subsystem is not marked for installation or when a required subsystem is marked for removal.

subsystem is required and must be installed
1a. Also install subsystem (xxxxxxxxxx)

This type of conflict occurs when the distribution contains a required subsystem that is not installed and not marked for install. In this case, the only solution is to install the required subsystem.

subsystem is required and may not be removed - sorry!
1a. Do not remove subsystem (xxxxxxxxxx)

This type of conflict occurs if you mark a required subsystem for removal. In this case, the only solution is to retain the required subsystem.

Prerequisite Conflict

This type of conflict occurs when a product is marked for installation and it requires a product that is not already installed or marked for installation.

product cannot be installed because of missing prerequisites:
1a. Do not install product (xxxxxxxxxx)
1b. Install product (xxxxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxx)

To resolve the above conflict, you have two options. The first is to not install the product whose requirements are not met. The second is to install the required products. In the above example, the required product is not on the current distribution. You must locate a distribution that contains the required product and install it before continuing with this installation. See "Step 2: Specifying the Source" for further instructions.

Back Prerequisite Conflict

This type of conflict occurs when a product is selected for removal, but other products depend on it.

product cannot be removed because other products depend on it.
2a. Do not remove product (xxxxxxxxxx)
2b. Also remove
product1 (xxxxxxxxxx)
product2 (xxxxxxxxxx)

There are two options for resolving this type of conflict. You can choose not to remove the product, or choose to remove all of the products that depend on it also.

Incompatible Products Conflict

This type of conflict occurs when a product is marked for installation and is incompatible with another product that is marked for installation, or with one that is already installed.

product (xxxxxxxxxx) is incompatible with product1 (xxxxxxxxxx)
2a. Do not install product (xxxxxxxxxx)
2b. Do not install product1 (xxxxxxxxxx)

This conflict is the result of selecting two incompatible products for installation. You must not install one.

product (xxxxxxxxxx) is incompatible with product1 (xxxxxxxxxx)
2a. Do not install product (xxxxxxxxxx)
2b. Also remove product1 (xxxxxxxxxx)

This conflict is the result of marking a product for installation that is incompatible with a product that is already installed on the target. To resolve this type of conflict, choose one of the two incompatible products to be on the target.

Downgrade Conflict

This type of conflict occurs when a product that is marked for installation is an older version of a product that is already installed.

You have marked product.old (xxxxxxxxxx), which is an older version of (xxxxxxxxxx)
1a. Replace (xxxxxxxxxx) with product.old (xxxxxxxxxx)
1b. Do not install product.old (xxxxxxxxxx)
1c. Set resource neweroverride to value true

The first option replaces the newer, installed version of the product with an older one. The second option retains the newer version of the product on the target. The last sets the resource neweroverride, which allows the installation of older products for newer ones without conflict. Unless there is a valid reason, the newer product should be retained on the target.

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