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availmon Reports

There are two types of reports produced by availmon: availability and diagnosis. Availability reports consist of system start time, stop time, stop reason, uptime, re-start time, and a summary of the likely reason for any system crash (where relevant). A standard availability report is shown here:

------------------------------ whizkid ----------------------------
Report Version ......... 0.1
Internet Address ....... whizkid
Reason for Shutdown .... Hang
Started at ............. Mon Oct  3 16:56:08 1994
Stopped at ............. Unknown instant
Uptime ................. 4304 minutes (2 days 23 hrs 44 mins)
Press <enter> to display summary ... 
When you press <Enter>, you see information similar to the following:

======================= SUMMARY for whizkid ==========================
Controlled Shutdowns ... 0
Hangs .................. 1
Panics ................. 0
Average Uptime ......... 2189 minutes (1 day 12 hrs 29 mins)
Least Uptime ........... 74 minutes (1 hr 14 mins) (*)
Most Uptime ............ 4304 minutes (2 days 23 hrs 44 mins) 
Availability ........... 0.7870%
Logging started at ..... Mon Oct  3 16:56:08 1994
System has been up for . 74 minutes (1 hr 14 mins)
Last boot at ........... Tue Oct 24 23:03:44 1995
Diagnosis reports additionally contain icrash analysis report (including the FRU analyzer result), important syslog messages, and system hardware/software configuration and version information.

Availability information is permanently stored in /var/adm/avail/availlog. Files in /var/adm/avail are maintained by availmon and should not be deleted, modified, or moved. The most recent availability and diagnostic reports are stored in /var/adm/crash/availreport and /var/adm/crash/diagreport, and should be treated comparably to core dumps.

Mailing availmon Reports

There are two ways to configure the sending of availmon reports: automatic or manual. If you select automatic mailing, you can configure any number of recipients for each type of report. The recommended configuration is to send diagnosis reports to the Silicon Graphics Availmon Database. Also, send diagnosis reports to Silicon Graphics Field Service and availability reports to your local system administration team. You can also send copies of all reports to a local log accoun. If you select manual mailing, the two types of reports are created in the directory /var/adm/crash. You can then edit or filter the reports, and then use the amsend command to send the approved reports.

The availmon software can be configured to compress and encode data. The receiving agent (using the amreceive command) decodes, uncompresses, and stores the data in a database at Silicon Graphics. Data encryption is recommended if it is not prohibited at your site.

Viewing availmon Reports

The amreport(1M) utility is provided to review availmon reports and to provide statistical availability information. This program can process local availability log files or received aggregate availability reports (such as a site log file) from different systems.

The amreport utility shows the statistical reports and availability reports hierarchically from overall statistics for all systems, a table of statistics for all systems (however, if the input is a local log file, the above information is not provided), statistics for each system, a table of all reboot instances for each system, and availability reports for each system. See the amreport reference page for full information on this utility.

Chapter 3 covers the tasks of starting up and shutting down the IRIX operating system. The following topics are covered:

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