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Important IRIX System Files

The following files are important in the administration of your system:


Contains the standard (default) environment for /bin/csh users.


Contains the list of NFS file systems exported at boot time to NFS clients if the optional NFS software is installed.


Specifies the filesystem(s) to be mounted.


Contains information used by getty to set the speed and terminal settings for a line.


Describes each group to the system.


Contains information about the known hosts on the network.


Contains a list of hosts trusted for non-superuser rlogin and rsh execution.


Contains the instructions to define the processes created or terminated by init for each initialization state.


Displays a message to users before logging in to the system over the network or on serial lines.


Contains information describing the logical volumes used by the workstation. This file is read by the logical volumes utilities.


Contains a brief ''message of the day.''


Identifies each user to the system.


Contains the standard (default) environment for /bin/sh users.


Contains a script that executes shell scripts in /etc/rc0.d to bring the system to run-level 0.


Contains a script that executes shell scripts in /etc/rc2.d and /etc/rc.d on transitions to system run-level 2.


Contains a shell script that gracefully shuts down the system in preparation for system backup or for scheduled downtime.


Contains the system name.


Contains a list, ordered by terminal port, of what kind of terminal is likely to log in to that port.


Used to set the default time zone shell variable TZ.


Contains the information on the current runstate of the system.


Contains a history of system logins.


Contains an extended history of system logins.


Contains a history of su command usage. This file should be checked periodically for excessive size and archived.


Contains system and daemon error messages.


Contains the domain name if the workstation is using NIS.


Contains a history of all the actions taken by cron. This file should be checked periodically for excessive size and reduced if necessary.


Contains a list of users allowed to use crontab(1). This file cannot exist on the system at the same time as cron.deny.


Contains a list of users who are denied access to crontab(1). It is checked if /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow does not exist.

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