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Other Important IRIX System Directories

The following directories are important in the administration of your system:


Contains shell scripts used in upward and downward transitions to all system run levels. These files are linked to files beginning with S (start) or K (kill) in /etc/rcn.d, where n is replaced by the appropriate run level number.


Contains start-up and run-time configuration information.


Contains files executed by /etc/rc0 to bring the system to run-level 0. Files in this directory are linked from files in the /etc/init.d directory and begin with either a K or an S. K indicates processes that are killed, and S indicates processes that are started when entering run-level 0.


Contains files executed by /etc/rc2 for transitions to system run-level 2. Files in this directory are linked from files in the /etc/init.d directory and begin with either a K or an S. K indicates processes that should be killed, and S indicates processes that should be started, when entering run-level 2.


Contains files executed by /etc/rc3 for transitions to system run-level 3. Files in this directory are linked from files in the /etc/init.d directory and begin with either a K or an S. K indicates processes that should be stopped, and S indicates processes that should be started when entering run-level 3.


Contains information collected by the accounting subsystem.


Contains crash dumps of the system. After analysis, and if appropriate, these dumps can safely be removed unless your support provider has requested otherwise. See the savecore(1) reference page for more information.


Contains information collected by sar(1).


Contains the home directories of users of the system or network. This directory can be a link to /var/people or a mount point for a totally separate file system.


This directory contains files that are the same on all systems.


Contains spooling directories. The directories in this directory hold outbound mail, print requests, and other data.


Contains crontab files for the adm, root, and sys logins and ordinary users listed in cron.allow.


Contains files that define the configuration of hardware devices, software services and utilities, and aliases.


Contains files that define the default settings of all kernel tunable parameters.


Contains files that define the current settings of all kernel tunable parameters.

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