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Appendix B: Troubleshooting System Configuration Using System Error Messages

This appendix lists error messages you may receive from the IRIX operating system and offers references to appropriate areas of the documentation describing the system functions that are likely related to the error message.

Often times, system errors will be accompanied by several error messages that together will lead you to determining the actual problem. Read the section for each message and use your best judgement to determine which messages reflect the core problem and which are caused by the effects of the core problem on other parts of the system. For example, you may see a message indicating that the system disk is full from the kernel, as well as one from the objectserver. Creating space on the system disk is likely to solve this problem, and the objectserver message can safely be ignored.

For error messages not covered in this guide or related IRIX Administration Guides, see the file /usr/include/sys/errno.h, the intro(2) reference page, and the Owner's Guide for your system.

Some error messages are "customized" with specific information from your system configuration. Where this is the case, the messages listed in this appendix may contain an ellipsis (...) to indicate specific information that has been left out of the example, or the notation is made that the message you receive may be similar to the listed message, rather than an exact match.

Cadmin Objectserver Messages
Disk Space Messages
General System Messages
Memory and Swap Messages
System Panic Messages

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