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Disk Space Messages

The following messages deal with standard disk operations, such as messages indicating you are low on or out of available disk space.

If the disk becomes completely full, you will not be able to create new files or write additional information to existing files. If the system disk becomes full, your system may not respond to commands.

Note: Do not shut down or restart the system until you free up some disk space. Without free disk space, the system may not be able to restart properly. Please release disk space in one of these ways:

  1. Empty your dumpster by choosing "Empty Dumpster" from the Desktop toolchest.

  2. Remove or archive old or large files or directories.

  3. If your system disk is almost full, check:

  4. Remove optional or application software.
If you want to be notified at a different level of disk use (for example, to be notified when the disk is 90% full), a Privileged User can follow these steps:

  1. Start the Disk Manager by double-clicking the launch icon.

  2. Click the button beneath the photo of the disk whose warning threshold you want to change (the system disk is labeled 0,1).

  3. Highlight the number in the Notify when field, type 90, then click OK.
Also, see "Useful Disk Usage Commands".

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