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Removing a Printer

Under some circumstances, you may want to remove one or more printers from the lp system. The rmprinter utility allows you to remove a specified printer. The preset utility allows you to reset your entire lp system to the way it was when you received your workstation from Silicon Graphics. To remove a specified printer, follow these steps:

  1. Become the superuser.

  2. Remove the printer by entering the command below. Replace printer-name with the name by which the printer is known to users accessing it:

    rmprinter printer-name

Your printer is now removed from the lp system.

To remove all printers on your system, use the preset command.

Caution: Use preset with extreme care: it removes all printer configuration information.

  1. Become the superuser.

  2. Type:


Your lp system is now completely reset and all printers are removed.

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