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Modifying Line Characteristics

You can modify TTY line characteristics using an IRIX editor, such as vi, to edit /etc/inittab.

The /etc/inittab file contains configuration instructions for the /etc/init command. The general format of a line entry in the /etc/inittab file is as follows:


The four colon-separated fields are as follows:


A unique one or two character identifier for the line entry.


The run-level(s) in which the entry is to be performed.


How /etc/init treats the process field (refer to the inittab(4) reference page for complete information).


The shell command to be executed.
/etc/inittab contains several entries that spawn getty processes. The following example is a selection of such entries from a sample /etc/inittab:

t1:23:respawn:/etc/getty -s console ttyd1 co_9600 
t2:23:respawn:/etc/getty ttyd2 co_9600 
There are at least three things you might want to do to an inittab entry for a TTY line:

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