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STATUS Error Messages

Status error messages are stored in the /var/spool/uucp/.Status directory. This directory contains a separate file for each remote station that your station attempts to communicate with. These files contain status information on the attempted communication, indicating whether it was successful or not. Table 7-5 lists the most common error messages that can appear in these files.

STATUS Error Messages
Error MessageDescription/Action
OKSystem status is normal
NO DEVICES AVAILABLEThere is currently no device available for the call. Make sure that there is a valid device in the Devices file for the particular station. Check the Systems file for the device to be used to call the station.
WRONG TIME TO CALLA call was placed to the station at a time other than that specified in the Systems file.
LOGIN FAILEDThe login for the given station failed. The problem could be a wrong login and password, wrong number, a very slow station, or failure in getting through the Dialer-Token-Pairs script.
CONVERSATION FAILEDThe conversation failed after successful startup. This situation usually means that one side went down, the program aborted, or the line (link) was dropped.
DIAL FAILEDThe remote station never answered. The problem could be a bad dialer or the wrong phone number.
BAD LOGIN/MACHINE COMBINATIONThe station called you with a login or station name that does not agree with the Permissions file. This could be an attempt to breach system security.
DEVICE LOCKEDThe calling device to be used is currently locked and in use by another process.
ASSERT ERRORAn ASSERT error occurred. Check the /var/spool/uucp/.Admin/errors file for the error message and refer to "Other UUCP Files".
SYSTEM NOT IN SystemsThe station is not in the Systems file.
CAN'T ACCESS DEVICETypically, this message means that the permissions on the device file (/dev/tty*) are not set correctly. Some programs set these permissions, and if terminated abnormally, do not reset them to correct states. Also, check the appropriate entries in the Systems and Devices files.
DEVICE FAILEDThe attempt to open the device failed.
WRONG MACHINE NAMEThe called station is reporting a name different from the one expected.
CALLBACK REQUIREDThe called station requires that it call your computer back to start a connection.
REMOTE HAS A LCK FILE FOR METhe remote site has a LCK file for your computer. The remote station could be trying to call your computer. If they have an older version of UUCP, the process that was talking to your station may have failed earlier, leaving the LCK file. If the remote site has the new version of UUCP and they are not communicating with your computer, then the process that has a LCK file is hung.
REMOTE DOES NOT KNOW METhe remote computer does not have the node name of your computer in its Systems file.
REMOTE REJECT AFTER LOGINThe ID used by your computer to log in does not agree with what the remote computer was expecting.
REMOTE REJECT, UNKNOWN MESSAGEThe remote computer rejected the communication with your computer for an unknown reason. The remote computer may not be running a standard version of UUCP.
STARTUP FAILEDLogin succeeded, but initial handshake failed.
CALLER SCRIPT FAILEDThe problem indicated by this message is usually the same as that indicated by DIAL FAILED. However, if it occurs often, suspect the caller script in the Dialers file. Use uutry to check the caller script.

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