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ASSERT Error Messages

When a process is aborted, the station records ASSERT error messages in /var/spool/uucp/.Admin/errors. These messages include the filename, the sccsid, the line number, and the text listed in Table 7-4. In most cases, these errors are the result of file system problems.

Assert Error Messages
Error MessageDescription/Action
CAN'T OPENAn open() or fopen() failed.
CAN'T WRITEA write(), fwrite(), fprint(), or other call failed.
CAN'T READA read(), fgets(), or other call failed.
CAN'T CREATEA create() call failed.
CAN'T ALLOCATEA dynamic allocation failed.
CAN'T LOCKAn attempt to make an LCK (lock) file failed. In some cases, this is a fatal error.
CAN'T STATA stat() call failed.
CAN'T CHMODA chmod() call failed.
CAN'T LINKA link() call failed.
CAN'T CHDIRA chdir() call failed.
CAN'T UNLINKAn unlink() call failed.
WRONG ROLEThis is an internal logic problem.
CAN'T MOVE TO CORRUPT DIRAn attempt to move some bad C. or X. files to the /var/spool/uucp/.Corrupt directory failed. The directory is probably missing or has wrong modes or owner.
CAN'T CLOSEA close() or fclose() call failed.
FILE EXISTSThe creation of a C. or D. file was attempted, but the file already exists. This situation occurs when there is a problem with the sequence-file access. This usually indicates a software error.
NO UUCP SERVERA TCP/IP call was attempted, but there is no server for UUCP.
BAD UIDThe uid cannot be found in the /etc/passwd file. The filesystem is in trouble, or the /etc/passwd file is inconsistent.
BAD LOGIN_UIDThe uid cannot be found in the /etc/passwd file. The filesystem is in trouble, or the /etc/passwd file is inconsistent.
ULIMIT TOO SMALLThe ulimit for the current user process is too small. File transfers may fail, so transfer will not be attempted.
BAD LINEThere is a bad line in the Devices file; there are not enough arguments on one or more lines.
FSTAT FAILED IN EWRDATAThere is something wrong with the Ethernet media.
SYSLST OVERFLOWAn internal table in gename.c overflowed. A big or strange request was attempted.
TOO MANY SAVED C FILESAn internal table in gename.c overflowed. A big or strange request was attempted.
RETURN FROM FIXLINE IOCTLAn ioctl, which should never fail, failed. There is likely a system driver problem.
PERMISSIONS file: BAD OPTIONThere is a bad line or option in the Permissions file. Fix it immediately.
BAD SPEEDA bad line-speed appears in the Devices or Systems file (Class field).
PKCGET READThe remote station probably hung up. No action is required.
PKXSTARTThe remote station aborted in a nonrecoverable way. This message can generally be ignored.
SYSTAT OPENFAILThere is a problem with the modes of /var/spool/uucp/.Status, or there is a file with bad modes in the directory.
TOO MANY LOCKSThere is an internal problem.
XMV ERRORThere is a problem with some file or directory. The problem is likely caused by the spool directory, since the modes of the destinations should have been checked before this process was attempted.
CAN'T FORKAn attempt to fork and execute failed. The current job should not be lost, but will be attempted later (uuxqt). No action need be taken.

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