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Repartitioning a Disk With fx

Caution: The procedure in this section can result in the loss of data if it is not performed properly. It is recommended only for experienced IRIX system administrators. Repartitioning disks is done from the command line by the fx command. There are two versions of this program, a standalone version and an IRIX version. The standalone version is invoked from the Command Monitor, which enables you to repartition the system disk. Option disks can be repartitioned using the IRIX version. Two of the following subsections describe how to invoke each version of fx:

The standard partition layouts described in the section "System Disks, Option Disks, and Partition Layouts" in Chapter 1 are "built into" fx. You can partition a disk using one of the standard layouts or you can create custom partition layouts. Two subsections describe how to create standard and custom partition layouts:

The final subsection, "After Repartitioning," describes how to proceed after the repartitioning is complete.

To repartition a disk, start with the first subsection, "Before Repartitioning." Then choose one of the sections on invoking fx, choose one of the sections on creating partitions, and finish up with the section "After Repartitioning."

Before Repartitioning
Invoking fx From the Command Monitor
Invoking fx From IRIX
Creating Standard Partition Layouts
Creating Custom Partition Layouts
After Repartitioning

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