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Creating Standard Partition Layouts

This section shows the procedure for repartitioning a disk so that it has one of the standard partition layouts. The example used in this section is to change a disk from separate root and usr partitions to a combined root and usr partition.

  1. From the fx main menu, choose the repartition option:
---- please choose one (? for help. .. to quit this menu)----
[exi]t              [d]ebug/             [l]abel/
[b]adblock/         [exe]rcise/          [r]epartition/
fx> repartition

----- partitions-----
part  type       cyls             blocks          Megabytes   (base+size)
  0: efs        4 + 67         3024 + 50652         1 + 25   
  1: raw       71 + 108       53676 + 81648        26 + 40   
  6: efs      179 + 2547     135324 + 1925532      66 + 940  
  8: volhdr     0 + 4             0 + 3024          0 + 1    
 10: volume     0 + 2726          0 + 2060856       0 + 1006 

capacity is 2061108 blocks

----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
[ro]otdrive           [o]ptiondrive         [e]xpert
[u]srrootdrive        [re]size

You see the partition layout for the disk that you specified when fx was started, followed by the repartition menu. The rootdrive, usrrootdrive, and optiondrive options are used for standard partition layouts, the resize option is used for custom partition layouts, and the expert option, which appears only if the fx is invoked with the -x option. The expert option enables custom partitioning functions. These functions can severely damage the disk when performed incorrectly, so they are unavailable unless explicitly requested with -x.

  1. To create a combined root and usr partition, choose the rootdrive option.
fx/repartition> rootdrive

  1. A prompt appears that asks about the partition type. The possible types are shown in Table 2-1. For this example, choose efs:
fx/repartition/rootdrive: type of data partition = (xfs) efs

  1. A warning appears; answer yes to the prompt after the warning:
Warning: you will need to re-install all software and restore user data
from backups after changing the partition layout.  Changing partitions
will cause all data on the drive to be lost.  Be sure you have the drive
backed up if it contains any user data.  Continue? yes

----- partitions-----
part  type       cyls             blocks          Megabytes   (base+size)
  0: efs        4 + 2614       3024 + 1976184       1 + 965  
  1: raw     2618 + 108     1979208 + 81648       966 + 40   
  8: volhdr     0 + 4             0 + 3024          0 + 1    
 10: volume     0 + 2726          0 + 2060856       0 + 1006 

capacity is 2061108 blocks

----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
[ro]otdrive        [u]srrootdrive     [o]ptiondrive      [re]size

The partition layout after repartitioning is displayed and the repartition submenu appears again.

  1. To return to the fx main menu, enter .. at the prompt:
fx/repartition> ..

----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
[exi]t               [d]ebug/             [l]abel/
[b]adblock/          [exe]rcise/          [r]epartition/

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